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All the Time in the World (19)
"Angel, why are you here so soon?"

"Well, I just kind of need some time away from everyone. I hope you don't mind, Taylor."

"Not at all. Here, come sit with me, and we'll talk, okay?"

"Thanks, Taylor," said Angel laying her head in his lap and letting him gently kiss her lips.

"So," said Taylor after he pulled away, "what's wrong?"

"Well, I just went out to dinner with my whole family, and my mom kept saying how she didn't want me to be spending time with you because she wants me to be happy. That's not what's going to make me happy. I want to be here with you, and I don't see what's so bad about loving you," Angel said, taking Taylor's hand and kissing each of his fingers softly.

"Angel, your mom can't tell you who to be friends with like that. She can't live your life for you. I think she's hoping that you're going to forget about me when you go back to Florida. Promise me you won't forget."

"Taylor, how could I ever forget you after everything we've shared? Besides, we come here every summer and winter and sometimes in the spring. There's no way I could forget you, even if I tried."

"Um, I've been wanting to ask you about this all day. Well, what exactly happened in the shower? I mean, what I'm trying to say is..."

Angel smiled, "Did I like it?"

"Yeah," said Taylor, blushing.

"Of course," said Angel, reaching her hand up and pulling Taylor down on top of her and kissing his cheeks. "Hey, Taylor?"


"Let's take it real slow tonight. We have all the time in the world, okay?" asked Angel, tucking a loose strand of hair behind Taylor's ear.

"That sounds real good."

Chapter Twenty

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