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First Impressions (2)

No matter how hard she tried, Angel could not look away from Taylor's eyes.

Taylor found himself in the same situation as Angel. He stared into her deep violet eyes, and he could not tear hiz gaze away. When he finally snapped back to reality and realized what an idiot he looked like, he looked down at the ground, blushing.

"Oh, you...want to...come in or something?" he asked, mentally kicking himself for sounding like such a moron.

"Yeah. I assume you've already met the rest of my family, huh? Oh, by the way, my name is Angel in case you didn't already know."

"I'm Taylor..." he said sticking out his hand. "Come on. Everyone's already out back."

Angel took Taylor's hand, and let him lead her to the backyard. After introducing herself to the Hansons, she left Taylor to talk with her grandparents and parents, and she picked up a basketball that was sitting on the driveway. She began shooting free-throws, and she ended with three pointers. She watched Taylor make his way over to the basket and they started playing one on one. Angel hadn't been able to make the team last year due to the fact that her ankle had been sprained during try-outs, so she decided that she would spend most of her free time trying to perfect her shots if she couldn't be on the team. She had greatly improved. She had to admit that Taylor was quite a challenge to play against. She guessed that he piced up a ball at least once every two days. They decided that they would play to ten, and Angel ended up beating Taylor by two points.

After they finished their game, dinner was ready. Taylor, Isaac, Zac, Alana, Jessica, and Abby sat at one table, and Avery, Mackie, Zoe, Mr. and Mrs. Hanson, Mr. and Mrs. Truitt, and Angel's grandparents sat at another table. Taylor was seated next to Angel, and halfway through the meal, Angel accidentally knocked her foot against Taylor's. He kicked back, and soon they were playing footsie. Isaac could see that Taylor really liked Angel, and he decided that he would talk to him later.

After dinner, the Angel decided to invite everyone to go next door and watch a movie on her entertainment system that she was eager to try out. Since there were no movies over at Angel's house, Taylor grabbed a few of his and headed over.

Angel sat on her bed next to Taylor, Isaac took the floor, Alana and Zac took the bean bag chair, and Jessica and Abby decided to go somewhere else and play with Barbies. They decided to watch Conspiracy Theory, and during some of the more suspenseful parts, Angel scooted herself closer to Taylor.

Taylor saw Angel scoot herself closer to him, and so he scooted closer to her also. He wasn't sure if this was a reaction to the suspense or a good excuse to get closer to him. Soon later, the movie ended, and Taylor looked over to find Angel asleep. He carefully moved himself off the bed, and let himself, Isaac, Zac, and Alana out of her room. When they had all left, he went back into her room and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek. He wrote her a note askeing her to call him tomorrow if she wanted to go do something, and he stuck it on her mirror. Then he silently let himself out.

More Chapters

Chapter Three
