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Treehouse Adventures (20)
Angel pressed her lips gently against Taylor's, and his lips parted just enough for her to slip her tongue in his mouth. She slipped her tiny hands under his shirt, and she carefully lifted it over his head. She rolled over so that she would be on top of Taylor, and she began running her hands over his bare chest and kissing his neck. He held her close to him, and she twirled a lock of his hair around her finger. She pulled away from him and went back to letting her hands wander over his body. She ran her tongue lightly over his lips, and she kissed him lovingly.

After allowing Angel to kiss his chest and his back, he placed his hands up underneath her shirt, and she slipped out of it. Taylor reached his hands around her back and unhooked her bra. Taylor placed it on the floor along with their shirts, and he made his way from her lips down to her chest. Taylor kissed each of her breasts, and when he felt her hand on his cheek, he looked up.

"Angel, do you mind-"

"Taylor, do whatever you want. I completely trust you, and I know you won't do anything wrong," she whispered, kissing his neck.

He placed his hands on her waist, and he lowered his head once again, putting his lips on her breast. He ran his tongue over the surface, and he began to suck very gently on her nipples.

Angel bit her lip. She wondered how Taylor knew exactly how to make her feel so good. She loved the way he always seemed to know exactly what to do.

Taylor ran his tongue over her breasts once more before pulling away and moving once again to her lips. Angel felt Taylor's hands slowly creep down her sides and stop right inside her jeans. She reached down to undo the button on them, but she was stopped by Taylor.

"I've got it, Angel. Just relax," he whispered, kissing her cheek.

Taylor unbuttoned her jeans and slipped them off of her. He then removed her underwear and moved his lips down to her toes. He began moving slowly upward, but when he was almost at the top, he quickly put his lips on her other leg and began working his way back up. He kissed between her legs, and he started moving up her body until he was at her lips again, and he reached down to place two fingers inside her.

This time, she only smiled and kissed his cheek. "I love you, Taylor," she said quietly.

She reached down and unbuttoned his jeans. He slid out of both his jeans and his boxers, and she began to slowly caress him. Every now and then, he would let out a slight moan, and Angel placed her lips against his. She gave him one last kiss before removing her hand, and she felt him slip his fingers out of her body.

They lay next to each other in silence. Angel occasionally kissed Taylor's neck, and he held her tightly. Angel placed her head next to Taylor's on the pillow, and before long, they were both asleep.

Chapter Twenty-One

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