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Island Paradise (21)
Angel awoke to Taylor's gentle kisses and strong hands roaming her body. She kissed his lips, and she started playing with his hair. He placed his lips on her neck, while she massaged his shoulders.

"Taylor, I should be getting home, okay? I'll see you later today. We're flying to Michigan, and we're going to go stay on the island. I have my own room, so you can come over tonight, okay?"

"Okay, I'll see you later then," Taylor said as he kissed Angel gently on the lips.

Angel jumped down from the treehouse and sprinted home. When she went downstairs after taking her shower, her family was ready to leave. They all piled into the car and followed the Hansons to the airport. They managed to board the plane without any major complications, save for a few crazed fans and some semi-normal people wanting autographs.

Angel was going to have to sit back by the engine next to some guy who vaguely reminded her of the Quaker Oats man. Isaac agreed to switch seats with her so that she could also sit by Taylor.

The flight was quite uneventful, but Angel was glad that she got to spend some time just talking to Taylor. They couldn't exactly talk about everything they would have liked to because there was the chance that someone might overhear them and then the whole world would know that Taylor Hanson was involved in an intimate relationship. They had both decided that it was best to keep it a secret for now.

They got off of the plane and went directly to the limousine that was waiting for them. They were dropped off at the ferry, and they had some time to look around before the next boat came in.

"Hey Tay, I'm going to take Zac and everyone else shopping. You guys wanna come?" asked Isaac

"No thanks, " Taylor answered for both of them. He and Angel walked over to the railing and they looked out over the water. They could see the distant outline of the island, and the breeze was very refreshing after a long plane ride. Taylor pulled Angel close to him and kissed her neck affectionately.

"Um, Taylor, I thought we had agreed that we wouldn't do this in public. I love you, but I don't think you want to disappoint any fans, and I certainly could do without the death threats.

"I guess you're right, but this is driving me absolutely nuts. I can't even do anything with you. I hate having all these secrets."

"I know, Taylor, but it really is for the best. I am dying to do something with you. Just once I'd like to go to a movie. Just once I'd like to go out to a restaurant without being stared at by millions of people who automatically hate me. I love you, Taylor," said Angel looking around. When she was sure that no one was looking, she quickly kissed Taylor's cheek.

They stood there silently enjoying each other's presence and breathing in deeply the fresh air. The ferry came to take them to the island, and they boarded the upper deck. The ride was a short one, and soon they arrived at their hotel. On the fourth floor, Taylor, Isaac, and Zac shared one suite, Abby and Alana shared another, Jessica and Avery were put in a room together, Mackenzie and Zoe slept with their parents on the third floor, and it was (to her great pleasure) decided that Angel was mature enough to handle her own room.

The rest of that day was spent unpacking and exploring the hotel. They ate a small dinner at the restaurant inside the hotel, and they retired to their rooms for the night. Angel thought that it would be a good idea to get Taylor his own key to her room so they might avoid a little mid-night commotion. The lady working the front desk had seemed reluctant to give her ONE key, and she wasn't sure if she would be willing to give her another one.

She made her way silently down to the lobby. She looked at the lady sitting behind the front desk, and she knew that this was not going to be easy.

"Excuse me," said Angel in her politest manner. "But I seem to have dropped the key to my room down the elevator shaft. Would you mind giving me another one?"

The lady was obviously annoyed with her, and she shot her a strange look. She handed her the key with an air of distrust, and Angel quickly thanked her and made her way back to her room.

Angel unlocked her room and lay down on the comfortable bed that she would soon be sharing with Taylor. She looked at the clock. It read 10:30. She wondered where Taylor was. She would have gone looking for him, but she didn't want to disturb anyone.

At that moment, she heard a soft knock on her door, and she let Taylor in. She immediately wrapped her arms around him and began showering him with kisses. It was only a matter of seconds before all their clothes were scattered about the floor and Taylor was on top of her on the bed.

More Chapters

Chapter Twenty-Two
