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In Your Arms (22)
Angel put her head down on Taylor's chest, and she let him play with her hair.

"Taylor?" she asked.


"What if someone finds out?"

"Don't worry. We were taking an even bigger risk by sleeping in the treehouse. Nobody is going to find out."

"I guess you're right," she said running her fingers across his lips.

He kissed her fingers and held her close to him. Angel looked around her room. It looked as if a huge tornado had come through. She still wasn't finished unpacking, and all the clothes that she and Taylor had worn that day were carelessly tossed on the floor. She was glad that she didn't have anyone to tell her to clean it up.

She reached over to her night table and handed Taylor the extra key to her room.

"Here," she said putting it in his hand. "You better not lose this because I went through hell to get it. The woman at the desk must think I'm crazy."


"I told her I dropped the key down the elevator shaft, and now she thinks I'm insane."

Taylor laughed and got up to put the key into the pocket of his jeans. He jumped back in bed and snuggled up against Angel. She closed her eyes as he gently pressed his lips against every part of her body. She moved her arms to massage his shoulders, but he stopped her.

"Angel, please. Just close your eyes and relax. Breathe deeply."

Angel let all her muscles relax, and she closed her eyes once more. He put his lips on hers and slipped his tongue into her mouth. She played with his tongue, and she sighed when he slowly slipped two of his fingers inside her. She spread her legs a little more, and she opened her mouth to speak, but she was silenced by a deep kiss from Taylor. He moved his lips to gently suck on one of her breasts and massaged the other one with his free hand.

"Mmm....thank you, Taylor," whispered Angel.

"I love you, Angel," He said kissing her cheek.

"Love you too, sweetie," said Angel, stroking his face as he went back to sucking her breast. He removed his fingers, and he put his head on her shoulder, kissing her neck gently.

Angel rolled over so that she was on top of Taylor. "My turn," she said, running her tongue over his lips. She straddled his body and began rubbing his chest. She placed her lips on his neck, and she worked her way down his body. She put her hands on the upper inside of his legs, and she began carressing him softly. Her lips moved in between his legs, and she sucked very lightly. She felt his muscles go limp, and his breathing became more rapid. She sucked harder, and Taylor let out a soft moan. She placed her hand where her lips were, and she moved to kiss his face. His lips found hers, and they engaged in one long passionate kiss before wrapping their arms around each other tightly.


"Yes, baby?"

"That was really great," he said, licking her lips and then kissing them gently.

"You were awesome, Taylor. What am I going to do when I have to leave?"

"Shhh...don't think about it. Just enjoy our time together, okay?"

"Alright, but how am I going to fall asleep at night? Who will I talk to when I need to vent? How am I going to live without your kisses for a whole six months? Who am I supposed to go to when I need a laugh? I don't want to leave, Taylor," Angel said as a few tears rolled down her cheeks.

Taylor wiped the tears away and kissed her cheeks. "I wonder if your parents would let you stay with us? We certainly have enough room, and that way, you could come on tour with us, and you wouldn't even miss any school. I'll talk to my mom about it tomorrow, okay?"

"Thank you, Taylor. You're so sweet," she said, touching his face.

"You're sweeter," he said wrapping his arms around her again and kissing her lips.

Angel put her head down on Taylor's chest, and she fell asleep listening to his heart beat.

More Chapters

Chapter Twenty-Three
