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Good Morning (23)
Angel and Taylor awoke to the phone ringing. It was 8:30, so Angel figured it must be one of her annoying parent figures checking up on her.


"Angel, it's me, Mom. We're going out to breakfast, so meet us in the lobby at 9:45, and then you are free to do whatever you want for the rest of the day, okay?"

"Sure, Mom. Have you called Abby and Alana?"

"No, not yet. They're next. I'll see you later. Hurry up because we have reservations."

"Okay, Mom, bye," Angel said, hanging up.

Taylor raised his eyebrows, questioningly.

"We have reservations for breakfast, so we have to be in the lobby at 9:45."

They both grabbed one of the free toothbrushes the hotel provided for them (nice hotel, huh?), and they raced to the shower.

"Ha. I got here first, so I get the shower first!" said Angel. She was about to shut the door, but Taylor looked at her with his big blue eyes and sweetest, most innocent face. She pulled him inside with her and shut the door behind them.

They took a quick shower, each one of them washing the other's hair and body. They stepped out of the shower and shared a towel. They had only used up 15 minutes, so they lay next to each other on the unmade bed.

"Hey, Angel?"

"Yes, Taylor?"

"Well....I couldn't help but notice that you have a huge jacuzzi tub in that bathroom of yours-"

"And you want to try it out sometime," Angel finished for him.


"Well, I don't really have anything planned for tonight, so..."

"Awesome!" said Taylor, kissing Angel softly. "You know, Angel, you have the most beautiful body."

"Yeah, right. My breasts are too small, I have huge rolls of fat on my stomach, and look at all that flab on my thighs!"

Taylor rolled his eyes. "Your breasts are perfect, the only thing you have on your thighs is muscle, and I sure don't see any fat rolls. Admit it. You know I'm right."


"So, what are we going to do today?" asked Taylor.

"Well, first we need to dry our hair, then we need to put some clothes on, and then we can decide over breakfast," said Angel, kissing Taylor and reaching for the blowdryer.

Angel dryed Taylor's hair, and then she sat in his lap while he dryed hers. When he was finished, he pulled Angel down on top of him and began kissing her face gently. Their lips connected, and they pulled away.

"Taylor, stay right there. I'll be back in a second." Angel kissed Taylor's lips gently, and she got up to get him some clean clothes that he had put in her closet. She walked back over to him and kissed his chest. Then she slipped his shirt carefully over his head. She pulled his boxers up before putting his jeans on him, and she kissed his lips very gently as she buttoned the jeans for him.

Taylor grabbed her and held her close. He layed her down on the bed, and he went to find her an outfit. He walked back over to the bed, and he kissed her chest like she had done to him. He reached around her and fastened her bra. Then, he proceeded to button her shirt for her. She kissed him softly before he helped her put on her underwear and shorts.

Angel stood close to Taylor and pulled him into a hug. She kissed his neck, and she held him tightly. When she released him, she handed him the extra key to her room, and he tucked it in his pocket. They walked out the door to go down to the lobby.

Chapter Twenty-Four

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