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Shopping (24)
Taylor and Angel met up with Issac and Zac on the way down to the lobby, so they all decided to race elevators. Taylor and Zac got in one, and Isaac and Angel got in another. It didn't take them long to get downstairs, but Taylor and Zac ended up winning because Angel's elevator stopped at the 2nd floor and this old lady took forever deciding what floor she needed, when she suddenly realized that she didn't want to go down at all. So she inched her way back out and appologized.

"Looks like we won, Angel," said Taylor as she stepped out of the elevator.

"Gee, I hadn't noticed. Thank you very much for enlightening me. My whole life seems somehow more significant," Angel said sarcastically.

"Well, generally, aren't the losers supposed to do something for the winners?" Taylor asked Angel, smiling sweetly.

"Not here, Taylor. My parents are here, and there are lots of people looking at you already. I promise, I'll make it up to you, though, okay?"

"Come on. Just a hug?" pleaded Taylor.

"Fine," said Angel pulling Taylor in for a hug.

Angel hugged Taylor quickly, and she released him, walking over to the rest of their group. They walked outside and hired a carriage to take them to the restaurant. Once inside, they were seated immediately with Isaac, Taylor, and Angel at one table, Zac, Abby, Alana, Avery and Jessica at another, and Zoe, Mackenzie, and the adults at still another table.

"So," said Isaac once they were settled, "what are you two going to do today?"

"We aren't exactly sure," said Taylor. "We were thinking about just walking around and checking out all the different stores. You wanna come with us?"

"Are you sure you don't mind? I mean, I don't want to be in the way or anything, but..."

"Ike, we would love it if you would come," said Angel.


They finished their meal, and they all piled into different carriages, seeing as how nobody was going the same way. They were free for the entire day, but they had to be back by 6:00 because they were all going to spend an evening together just hanging out.

They decided to check out all the shops on one side of the street, break for lunch, and then they were going to explore all the shops on the other side. There was nothing really exciting on the side that they went to first, so they ate lunch early. They went to a hotdog stand, and they each got a hotdog and an order of fries.

"So, do you want me to work every night like last night?" asked Ike.

"Please?" Taylor practically begged.

"Okay, but you both need to know that you should be expecting some really huge favors to be asked of you in the very near future."

"Okay," they both answered simultaneously.

"Hey," Isaac said, "Angel, we all have a surprise for you this evening. I know you're going to just love it."

Angel smiled and looked inquisitively at Taylor. He looked at Isaac, but Isaac just smiled mysteriously.

"Ike, how come nobody told me?" asked Taylor, a little hurt.

"Well, since you spend so much time with Angel, we figured that it would be best not to tell you," replied Isaac.

"Oh," said Taylor, looking away from the table, pretending that it wasn't bothering him, but Angel could see that it was. She moved closer to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. Their lips connected, and they both melted into the kiss. They drew away, and Angel kissed his cheek gently before resting her head on his shoulder.

"Uh...guys, I really hate to break up your little 'moment,' but the image of my little brother making out in front of my face is more than enough to make me lose my lunch," said Isaac.

They reluctantly broke apart, and they got up to take their trash to the trash can. They headed to the haunted house.

Isaac generously paid for all three of them, and they headed inside. There was nothing very interesting in there. It was basically a bunch of "scary" scenes behind glass windows. Angel couldn't quite see why this attraction was supposed to be thrilling. She had to admit, though, it was very dark inside. Taylor ran into a wall (which is not a hard thing to do in that haunted house).

When they walked out of the haunted house, Taylor was still rubbing his forehead, which he had bumped on the wall.

"Do you have an Advil, Angel?" he asked.

"Sorry. Wish I did," she said. She pulled him close to her and kissed his forehead. "Better?" she asked.

"A little."

They walked into a small shop selling Mackinac Island fudge, and they each bought some. Taylor and Angel couldn't decide which kind to get, so they each got a different kind and decided to share it. Angel got dark chocolate, and Taylor got strawberry. As they walked out of the shop, Angel took a small piece of her chocolate fudge and gently placed inside Taylor's lips. He then took some of the strawberry fudge and let Angel lick it off his finger. She quickly looked around her to make sure nobody was looking, and she pressed her lips against him.

They broke apart because they had reached the hotel, and they went inside to put away their purchases and to change into more comfortable clothes. They went to their rooms, and everyone changed into their pajamas. They all gathered in Angel's room because she didn't mind if they messed it up. Angel ended up sitting on her bed with Taylor's head in her lap. She gently ran her fingers through his silky blond hair as everyone else got into comfortable positions. Isaac sat on the other bed with Zac on the floor at the foot of the bed and Alana sitting in the chair across from the beds.

"So what do you all propose we do?" asked Isaac.

"Well," said Zac with a smile, "Angel's little surprise is coming in about an hour, so I suggest we play truth or dare."

Angel and Taylor looked at each other an smiled, remembering the first time they had played it together. "Okay, Zac, since it was your idea, you get to go first," said Angel.

"Taylor, truth or dare?"

Chapter Twenty-Five

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