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Brad (26)
"Brad?!" exclaimed Angel, pulling him in for a hug. "I thought you weren't coming this year because of your grades!"

"Well, I took the condensed course and passed with flying colors, so now I'm here to look after you," he said with a teasing smile.

Angel playfully smacked him on the arm. "Just because you happened to be born a whole month before me does not give you any authority above me whatsoever. Besides, I don't need you to look out for me. That's what Taylor's for. Right, Tay?"

"You bet," he said, kissing her lips.

"You two seem to be getting a little friendly, huh?" asked Brad, looking at Angel and then at Taylor.

"Brad, you are so gay. At least I have someone to get friendly with. You can't exactly argue with that," Angel replied.

"I'm not gay, you anorexic bisnatch. Now I hear you guys were playing 'Truth or Dare.' I happen to have some kick-ass dares ready for you, Angel, so let's get on with the game."

"Fine," said Angel resuming her position on the bed with Taylor's head in her lap, "sit on the bed with Ike, freak."

Brad jumped onto the bed next to Isaac, and he was ready for Taylor to ask his question.

Taylor decided to ask Alana because she hadn't gotten a turn yet. "Al, truth or dare?"

"Um, dare I guess."

"Okay, I dare you to kiss Zac on the lips for five seconds," said Taylor.

Alana looked at Zac, unsure of what she should do. She was pretty sure that she only liked Zac as a friend, but if she didn't do the dare, she would have to do whatever the group thought was a fitting punishment, so she decided to go for it. How bad can it be, anyway?

"Alright," she said, somewhat hesitantly. She sat on the floor next to Zac, and she pressed her lips against his in an awkward first kiss. Their noses kept getting in the way, and a few times, their foreheads bumped together. They finally found a semi-comfortable position and managed to stay in it for just about five seconds. They separated, and Alana went back to her seat, not even looking at Zac.

Taylor shrugged, "Alana, your turn."

"Okay, I'll choose Zac. Truth or dare?"

"Truth. I'm scared to choose dare."

"Okay, what did you think of that kiss?"

"Well..." Zac trailed off momentarily. "It was definitely like nothing I had ever experienced before. Okay, my turn. I choose Angel. Truth or dare?"


"Okay, how far have you and Taylor gone?"

Angel looked down at Taylor whose eyes had widened considerably. He was silently mouthing "no." Angel knew she had to answer. "Well, nothing really maajor or anything. We just do a little messing around sometimes. You know, kissing and stuff."

Zac seemed satisfied with her answer, so he motioned for her to take her turn.

"Brad, truth or dare?" she asked.

"What do you think? You've known me all your life, and have I ever once chosen truth? Dare, stupid."

"Alright. I'm going to look up a store in the telephone directory, and you have to call that store and make the person at the desk hang up on you. You have to talk though. You can't just sit there and not say anything."

"Okay. I'll do it" he said, handing her the phone book. Taylor flipped through the pages while she tried to pick out a store name. At last, they found one.

Angel and Taylor both smiled at each other, knowing Brad was going to absolutely love this dare. "Okay, you have to call Condoms To Go."

Everyone noticed that Brad's face turned a slight shade of pink, but nobody mentioned it as he picked up the phone. He then changed his mind and put it on speaker phone so that everyone could hear. After a few rings, it picked up.

"Hello, you have reached Condoms To Go, this is Rhonda. How may I help you?" said a high, squeaky voice.

"Uh, I have a question. See, I was thinking about buying some condoms from your store, but it says that they're "to go.""

"And your point is?" asked Rhonda.

"Well, I was thinking that it would be much nicer if you were like all the other condom places and actually let the customers use the condoms there. Your store is a big inconvenience because some people don't want condom's "to go." They want to be able to use them there, and I just thought-"

"Click." Apparently, Brad had succeeded in getting Rhonda to hang up on him.

"That was great!" said Isaac, laughing.

Everyone else had to agree. They all got comfortable on their beds again, and Brad was ready to take his turn.

"Angel, Truth or dare?"

"Dare," she said, looking at Taylor.

"Okay, this kind of involves Taylor, if he will cooperate?" Taylor nodded, and Brad continued, "Well, since you seem to like condoms so much, Angel, why don't you and Taylor take a little trip down to the front desk and see if that nice old lady has any condoms you could use?" Brad asked, smiling devilishly at Angel.

"Fine," Angel said as she helped Taylor up. They walked down the hall with everyone following closely behind them. When they got to the lobby, Brad had everyone except Angel and Taylor wait outside the door where they could hear.

"Excuse me," said Angel walking up to the desk, "would you by any chance happen to have a condom?" Taylor wrapped his arms around Angel's waist, and he pressed their lips together. The woman looked at them with disgust, but she bent down behind the counter to find what she was looking for. When she came back up, Taylor had put his hands underneath the back of Angel's shirt, and he was holding her close.

"Here you are. I suggest you go back to your room now, before you happen to disturb any of our more civilized and respectible guests," the woman said, rather rudely. Taylor took the package she handed to him and slipped it in his back pocket. Then, he took Angel's hand, and they walked toward the elevator together.

They met up with the rest of their group as they stepped into the elevator.

"Awesome job, guys," said Brad.

"That was really gross," commented Alana.

"I agree," said Zac, looking strangely at Taylor.

When they reached the door to Angel's room, everyone decided that they had had enough of the game and that it was getting late. Alana was the first one to retire to her room, then Zac, Isaac, and Brad left to go to their rooms. When Angel was sure nobody was left, she pulled Taylor inside the room with her.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

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