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Jacuzzi (27)
"So," said Taylor once they were safely inside her room, "what about that bath? We can do that, and then we can go to sleep, okay?"

"Sounds like a pretty good deal to me," she said kissing his lips softly.

Taylor led Angel into the bathroom and shut the door. He lifted her shirt gently over her head and began massaging her shoulders. He hugged her tightly as he reached around her back to unhook her bra. He kissed both of her breasts before moving down to unbutton her shorts. She let them fall to the floor, and Taylor carefully pulled her thong underpants down before tossing all of her clothes in the corner of the bathroom.

Angel undressed Taylor very slowly, stopping once or twice to kiss his soft, smooth lips passionately.

Taylor started the water for the tub, and when he was sure the temperature was just perfect, he climbed in and motioned for Angel to sit on his lap. When she was comfortable, she reached over and pushed the button to start the jacuzzi. She leaned back against Taylor and let him play with her hair.

"I love this," she whispered to him.

"I know what you mean. This is absolutely perfect," he replied, kissing her gently.

"You're so sweet, Taylor. I love you," she said sincerely.

Taylor turned her head so that she was looking directly into his deep blue eyes. "I love you, too," he said.

* * *

When Angel and Taylor got bored of the jacuzzi, they climbed out and shared a towel. Angel drained the water out of the tub, and they went to sit on the bed after they had put on their pajamas. Since neither of them had gotten their hair wet, they didn't have to worry about drying their hair.

"Angel?" asked Taylor.


"My mom talked to your mom today about you staying with us."

"What did my mom say?" asked Angel.

"She said that you couldn't stay with us, but you could live in Tulsa with your grandmother. She wasn't going to let you until your grandmother convinced her that she wanted to spend some time with her oldest granddaughter."

"Wow. That's a little more than I had expected. I thought she'd just say no."

"I did, too," said Taylor.

Angel yawned and leaned her head on Taylor's shoulder. She looked over at the clock. It read 1:00. She got up and turned on the fan. Then she pulled Taylor up off the bed and threw the quilt and blanket on the floor. She kissed him gently before they both climbed under the covers together.

They moved close to each other, and before long, they were both dreaming of each other.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

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