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Love II (29)
Angel heard the phone ringing faintly in the background, but she didn't bother to pick it up. She felt Taylor move to lift the receiver off of the hook. She heard him talking to whom she presumed to be her mom, and then he hung up and went back to rocking her in his arms.

She felt his warm lips on her cheek. "Sweetie, wake up," he whispered softly.

"Hmm?" she asked, still not fully awake.

"That was your mom on the phone. She was pretty mad that I was in here while you were asleep, but we'll talk about that later. What she wanted me to tell you was that there's been a change of plans. Your father had some emergency business to attend to, so we're all flying back today. I'll pack your stuff if you want me to since you might not be feeling too well after what happened last night," he said, still holding her.

"That's okay, Taylor. I can do it myself, but thanks for offering. You're too sweet," she said as she hugged him tightly.

Angel moved to get up off of the bed, but she found that she was too dizzy, and she ended up falling, once again, into Taylor's strong arms.

"It's okay. I'll get it. I called Zac earlier, and he said they've already packed my things, so I'll get yours. Just lie down. I can get it." Taylor hugged Angel reassuringly.

As she went to put her head down, all of a sudden, she realized how warm she was. She looked around the room. The fan was on, and all the windows were open. Angel pulled her top over her head, and she slipped off the shorts she had on. She knew Taylor was looking at her as she removed the thong bikini underpants he had chosen for her last night, but she pretended not to notice. When she was done, she put her head on the pillow, and she promptly fell asleep.

* * *

"Angel, time to wake up. We're leaving in 5 hours," Taylor whispered.

Angel was fully aware that Taylor was talking to her, but she decided to play with him and pretend she was still sleeping. She was curious as to what he would do.

She tried not to move when he ran his hands up and down her sides, but it became increasingly difficult when he put his lips on her breasts and began sucking. Then, he slipped one finger inside of her and began slowly rubbing her in a way she knew was uniquely his. She couldn't stand it any longer, so she put her arms around him and kissed his lips.

"I have a suprise for you tonight, Taylor," she whispered in his ear. "I think you're going to like it," she said as she kissed him once more and then gently pushed him off of her.

She started to get up off of the bed, but Taylor held her back. "Angel, please..."

Even though it was quite evident by the bulge in his pants what he wanted her to do, she replied innocently, "Please what?"

"You know what I mean," he said.

"I do?" she asked with a smile on her lips.

He took her hand and placed it between his legs.

"Now what?" she asked, teasing him.

"Just...rub," he begged.

She decided that she wasn't going to let him have the satisfaction quite as soon as he would like, so instead, she slowly unbuttoned his jeans, stopping for a long kiss after every button. She proceeded to unzip his jeans in such an agonizingly slow manner that he reached down and pulled both his pants and boxers down in one smooth motion. He lay back on the bed and enjoyed having Angel gently massage him in a way he was certain that only she was capable of. He pressed his lips against hers, and he closed his eyes, letting his tongue find its way into her mouth. When they parted, he held her close and kissed her neck.

"I love you, Taylor," she whispered when she was done massaging him.

"I love you too, Angel," he said as he closed his eyes again.

When he didn't open his eyes after a few minutes, Angel asked, "Taylor, did you get enough sleep last night?"

He shook his head, and said, "I was up all night making sure you'd be okay. I didn't want to go to sleep in case you needed me again."

Angel was very suprised. Not even her parents would have done that for her. It was then that she realized just exactly how much Taylor loved her. She lifted his shirt over his head and kissed his chest. Then, she kissed both of his eyelids. "Go to sleep, baby," she whispered before wrapping her arms around his body and layed her head on his chest.

Chapter Thirty

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