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Trust (3)

Angel awoke the next morning and found Taylor's note. She took a quick shower and pulled her hair into little knots. Alana had taught her how, and ever since then, she had been wearing them alot. She decided to only use lip gloss, and she put some body glitter over her eyelids. She pulled on some short jean shorts and a white tank. Then she walked over to the phone and dialed Taylor's number.


"This is Angel, could I speak to Taylor?"

"Yeah, he's right here. He's been anxiously awaiting your call ever since he woke up." Following was a bunch of loud bangs and some screaming. Then Taylor came to the phone.

"Sorry about that. Zac needs a few light slams every now and then."

"So, you asked me to call. Did you want to do something today?" Angel asked.

"Actually, I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go rollerblading with me in for a while."

"You like to rollerblade? Cool. I thought I'd have nobody to go with this summer."

"Of course. I'll see you in ten minutes?"

"Yeah. We can meet on your driveway since mine is loaded with cars."

"Okay. See you then." And with that, Taylor hung up the phone. He went to tell his parents what he was going to do, and his mom said that he had to be back by seven because both of their families had reservations at eight.

Angel grabbed her rollerblades not quite believing that Taylor Hanson had just asked HER to rollerblade. "He probably doesn't like me or anything. I'll bet he's just trying to be nice or something." Thought Angel. Ever since sixth grade when her number one crush had announced to the whole school that he hated her guts (she could never quite figure out why), she had a difficult time believing that any guy could like her.

Taylor watched Angel skate out of her house with a troubled look on her face.

"Are you okay?" he asked, concerned.

She quickly snapped out of her trance. "Yeah. I'm fine. Where are we going to go?"

"Well, I was thinking that we could just skate around, grab some lunch, and then go to the park or something."

"That sounds fine. Let's go."

They skated off together, and Taylor was surprised at how well Angel could skate. She didn't seem like the kind of girl who skated alot.

As they skated around Tulsa, Angel told Taylor everything he wanted to know about her, and Taylor ended up telling her lots of things about himself, also. They went to McDonald's for lunch, and after they left, they started skating toward the park. When they got there, Angel was surprised at how big it was and that it was nearly deserted. They sat under a big, shady tree to rest, and they started talking about what their lives are usually like when they aren't on vacation. Pretty soon the topic turned to more personal questions...

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Taylor asked her, secretly hoping that she would say no.

"No. I haven't had one since...I broke up with Rob," she replied softly, looking away. She didn't want to have to explain to Taylor about Rob. She hoped he wouldn't ask her. She hated talking about it. It wasn't even that big of a deal, but she had trusted Rob...

As if he read her thoughts, Taylor said, "You don't have to tell me about it if you don't want to, but just know that I'm here just in case you DO want to talk."

She looked over at Taylor who gave her a sincere smile, and she realized that she was sitting next to someone very mature. Her past experiences with guys had led her to believe that she would either be pressured into explaining herself or whomever she was talking to would be so concerned about his own problems that he wouldn't want to hear about hers. "I think I'm really going to like coming to Tulsa every summer, and most of all, I'm going to like spending time with Taylor. Maybe I even like him a little." Thought Angel.

"Okay, I'm going to tell you because I think I can trust you. You see, Rob was one of my best friends. I have another friend, Lissy, who really really liked him, and I thought that he liked her, too, so you can imagine how surprised I was when he asked me out. I said yes, and so we started going out. About six months later, on Valentine's day, he called me to cancel our date because he had the flu. I felt sorry for him, so I went over to his house to keep him company. Turns out he had some other company (Lissy, to be exact). I never seriously liked him or anything, but I had thought that I could trust him, and he broke that trust. He was the one person I COULD trust. I could never tell Abby or Alana anything because they would always go tell my parents. I couldn't tell my parents anything because they tend to take things the wrong way. I really like having someone I can put all my trust into, but I don't have anyone like that anymore." When she was through, Angel sighed and looked over at Taylor who had been very quiet. He was taking in everything she had said.

After a few moments, Taylor looked over at Angel, scooted closer to her, and slipped his arm around her waist. She leaned her head on his shoulder and breathed in his scent. She closed her eyes, and sat silently in Taylor's arms, not wanting to break the moment.

"You can trust me," she heard him whisper.

Chapter Four

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