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Mildred (30)
Angel woke up and glanced at the clock. It was only 12:00, and they had to leave in 3 hours, so she decided to let Taylor sleep a little longer.

She got up from the bed, and she put on a t-shirt and a pair of jean cut-offs. Then she combed her hair and pulled it back into a neat ponytail. She brushed her teeth, and then she applied a little bit of makeup. This whole process took about a half-hour, and she made sure all of her belongings were packed before she returned to the bed.

She planted a soft kiss on Taylor's lips, and he sat up. She brought his clothes over to the bed, and she brushed his hair, giving him some time to wake up.

When they were finished, they called the front desk, and a bellhop came up to the room to get Angel's luggage. After double-checking the room to make sure she hadn't left anything, they locked the room and went down to the lobby.

While in the elevator, Angel and Taylor found they had a small dilemma.

"Taylor, I just remembered that we have two keys to the room. Do you think I should just drop one down the elevator shaft like I told the lady I did?"

"Yeah, cuz they're probably gonna get some guy to go look for it sooner or later, and it would be nice if they actually thought you were telling the truth."

They stopped at the second floor, and Taylor held the elevator door open while Angel shoved the key through the small space between the floor of the hotel and the floor of the elevator. When she heard it hit the ground below, she stood up and let Taylor close the door.

They exited the elevator and headed to the desk where that oh-so-pleasant old woman was sitting. Taylor recognized her from the night before, and he leaned over to Angel.

"Does she ever sleep?" he whispered.

"Probably not. And judging by the odor surrounding her, she doesn't bother with showers either," Angel whispered back to him.

Taylor laughed, and Angel handed her the key. As usual, the lady looked strangely at them both. Angel looked at her nametag. She learned that her name was Mildred.

"Did you happen to see what her name was, Taylor?" asked Angel.

"No. I think she thought I was some perverted guy looking at her chest, so she kindly covered it up. What was her name, anyway?"

They had stopped walking now, and they were sitting on the couch in the lobby. Angel leaned a little closer to Taylor. "Her name was Mildred," she said with a smile.

"Well in that case, you can't really hate her all that much," Taylor said.

"Yeah, I know," Angel replied, "If my name was Mildred, I'd be a bitch, too."

Taylor laughed, and Angel put her head down on his shoulder. They waited for about 1/2 hour for the of the group to come down, and when everyone was finally ready, they headed to the airport.

Chapter Thirty-One

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