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The Plane Ride (31)
Angel leaned her head against Taylor, and she looked out the window of the airplane. He kissed her cheek and rubbed her back. As much as she hated to admit it, Angel wished her family didn't have to leave so soon. This was supposed to be a fun vacation, but her entire family (with the exception of Angel) had to switch flights immediately after they got off the plane. Then they were off to Florida, and Angel was left behind with her grandparents. Not that she minded. She would get to spend even more time with Taylor than she already had been. She turned her head toward him and kissed his lips delicately.

"Here is your dinner," the stewardess said as she came down the aisle and handed them two trays.

"I am so hungry, but I can't stand to eat this crap. It must be at least a hundred years old. They probably just put what everyone else didn't eat back onto another plate and then they serve it all over again," said Angel.

"I know exactly what you mean. How can anyone eat this? You can barely even cut it with the cheap plastic knife they give you," Taylor said, hacking at the meat with the knife.

"Do you think that maybe we could do something special tonight. My parents aren't going to be here, so there would be nobody stopping us from going out..." Angel trailed off and looked into Taylor's eyes.

He bent down to kiss her lips. "Are you hinting at something?" he asked.

"Who, me?" asked Angel in mock surprise.

"So, do you want to go out with me tonight?" Taylor asked, smiling.

"I'll think about it," Angel replied.

After a few minutes of pretending to think, Angel leaned over and kissed his lips.

"So, is that a yes?" he asked when she pulled away from him.

"Actually, I was just trying to get a preview of what I hope I'll be getting tonight. You know, I was trying to decide if it was worth all the trouble of getting all dressed up," she said right before Taylor pressed his lips against hers and kissed her deeply.

"So, how does seven o'clock sound?" he asked.


Chapter 32

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