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Chaos (34)
Angel kissed Taylor as they stepped out of the limo. "Thank you so much. I had the most wonderful time tonight, Taylor," she whispered softly.

"You're welcome. I had an awesome time, too."

They watched the limo drive off, and they walked up the steps to Taylor's house. As they neared the door, Taylor heard music playing outisde in his back yard.

"Oh, shit..." he murmured.

Taylor opened the door and walked into the living room of his house. His parents were sitting on the couch, watching a movie with Zac and Isaac.

"Mom, do you have any idea what they're doing outside?" Taylor asked his mom.

"They're playing tag, aren't they?" she asked.

"Mom, they got into the treehouse and they messed it all up," he practically screamed.

"I'll have them clean it up, then. In the meantime, you can watch the video down here with us if you want," she offered.

"No thanks, mom," he said pulling Angel out the door.

They climbed the ladder to the treehouse. Everything was a mess! The TV was on its side, the sheets were all muddy, and all of Taylor's CDs were scattered everywhere.

Taylor turned the music off, and surveyed the damage. There was absolutely no way they'd be able to stay there that night. He placed the CDs that were lying on the floor back in their cases. He picked up all of the CDs and carried them down the ladder. He was having trouble getting down with the pile, so Angel took half of it and carried it for him.

When they got inside, Avery, Jessica, and Mackie had to apologize to Taylor for wrecking the treehouse. They walked into the living room, and Mrs. Hanson had a message to deliver to Angel.

"Angel, your grandparents decided that they wanted to go out. They asked me to tell you that they wouldn't be back until very late, so don't worry if they aren't there when you get home."

"Thank you, Mrs. Hanson," said Angel.

"So what are we supposed to do, Mom?" asked Taylor. "They ruined everything in the treehouse, and no we have no place to watch the movies."

"Taylor, we could go back to my house. I have a TV and a stereo system, and I'm sure my grandparents wouldn't mind if you came over," suggested Angel.

"Mom, would it be okay if we did that?" asked Taylor.

"Sure," she replied.

"Just be home by midnight, Tay," his father added.

Chapter 35

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