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Time Bomb (35)

Angel took the key out of her pocket and unlocked the front door of her house. She grabbed a bag of chips from the pantry before climbing the stairs with Taylor at her heels.

She entered her room and sat down on the bed. Taylor popped the tape in the VCR and sat next to her. "Have you seen this movie before, Angel?"

"This is "The Edge," right?" she asked. Taylor nodded. "Then I haven't seen it yet."

Angel got up to turn off the lights. She got back, and she lay down on the bed next to Taylor. He shifted himself so that he was lying next to her. He placed his arm around her shoulder, moving closer to her. When the bear attacked the camp, Angel buried her face in Taylor's shoulder. Taylor was nearly on top of Angel, and forgetting all about the video, she rolled onto her back and began kissing Taylor's face.

He returned her kisses gently, running his fingers delicately through her long, silky hair. She moved her hands underneath Taylor's shirt and lifted it carefully over his head. He removed her blouse and tank top, pressing his lips firmly against hers.

Taylor pulled off his remaining garments and slipped Angel's off carefully. Their lips met, and Angel felt the familiar warmth of Taylor's body against hers.

"Taylor, will you stay with me tonight?" she asked.

"Sure. But I'm blaming you if I die a virgin tomorrow when I go home," he joked.

"You aren't going to die a virgin, Taylor."

"You bet I am. My dad is going to kick my ass if he finds out," he said.

"Taylor, you're missing the point," she said, slipping something into his hand.

He opened it, reavealing a condom. Taylor looked deep into Angel's eyes, and he smiled genuinely at her.

"Merry Christmas, Taylor," she whispered, pulling him closer.

He carefully slipped it on, making sure to do it correctly. Angel put her head down on a pillow, and Taylor lowered himself down on top of her. He gently slipped himself inside her, not wanting to hurt her in any way. At that moment, they both knew how much they cared for each other.

* * * *

Angel sighed deeply. She was lying in the comfortable arms she knew so well. She had her arms around Taylor as well. Neither of them spoke, but they were both beginning to realize what they had done.

"Taylor, we shouldn't have done that. I'm not saying I didn't enjoy it, and I'm not trying to tell you that I regret it, but I don't think it was very responsible of us," Angel whispered softly.

"I know what you mean. It felt so right, but at the same time, it felt so wrong. Angel, I'm going to miss all of our nights, all of our talks, and most of all, I'm going to miss just being with you. Just knowing that no matter what happens, everything I do with you is worth risking it all. We're leaving next week."

Angel was stunned. She knew that he would have to leave eventually, but she didn't know how soon it would be. "Taylor, what am I going to do when you're gone? You're my only friend in Tulsa."

"That's why I'm going to invite everyone over tomorrow. I don't want you to be lonely for six weeks."

Six weeks! Taylor was leaving for six weeks?! "Taylor, I'm going to miss you so much," she said. It was like a time bomb. She had always known it would have to happen, but she could never have guessed the damage it would do to her. She hugged Taylor tightly, and he returned the hug with equal force.

"Angel, I love you. I always will,"

She smiled in spite of the news she had just received. "I love you too," she whispered. She moved her lips to his, and she kissed him passionately. He responded, and she could feel all of his emotions being drained in that one kiss. They broke away reluctantly, and Angel's lips lingered near Taylor's as they took one last look into each other's eyes before wrapping their arms tightly around each other. Angel put her head on Taylor's chest, and she fell asleep instantly.

Chapter Thirty-Six

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