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Getting to Know You (36)
When Angel awoke the next morning, she discovered Taylor missing. Instead, she found a note on his pillow:
I left because I don't want your grandparents or my parents to be mad. I didn't want to wake you because you looked too peaceful. Anyway, I'm having all my friends over to my house at 1:00. Hope you get this message before then. If not, I'll come get you. Hope you can make it.

Love always,

She had slept fairly late, and she only had an hour to get ready and get over to Taylor's house. She climbed out of bed, and went to take a quick shower. She was incredibly sore, but she pushed the thought out of her head and turned on the water.

She slipped herself into a pair of cargo pants and a sleeveless shirt. She pulled her hair into a neat ponytail and put on her silver tennis shoes. She only put on a minimal amount of makeup because she didn't feel like fussing with it. She headed down the stairs and out the door to Taylor's house.

She rang the doorbell, and Zac let her in.

"Loverboy! Your girlfriend is here!" he shouted before sprinting off into another room.

"In here, Angel!" Taylor called from the living room.

She walked in and saw Taylor sitting among six other people (3 boys and 3 girls). He got up and pulled her into a hug. "Thanks for last night," he whispered in her ear. She smiled and kissed his lips softly.

Taylor then proceeded to introduce Angel to everyone in the room. Angel immediately took a liking to Ariel who had waist-length straight blond hair and deep blue eyes. She was sitting on Mark's lap. Mark was tall, he had dark hair and dark eyes. The way he looked at her made her nervous, but she soon forgot about it as Taylor moved on. Julia was next. Her light brown hair was pulled back into a half-ponytail, and her green shirt looked very nice with her dark green eyes. William was sitting next to Julia. He was wearing very baggy clothes, and his blond hair was streaked with some very interesting colors. She could tell he was very into athletics (rollerblading and skateboarding especially). Sitting across from him on the floor was a girl named Charlotte. She had thick, curly red hair and light blue eyes. The last person was Nick. He had short brown hair and brown eyes. If she hadn't already been with Taylor, Nick was probably the person she'd end up having a crush on.

"Everyone, this is Angel," said Taylor.

Chapter Thirty-Seven

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