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Pow-Wow (37)
Taylor looked in the pantry and grabbed a few bags of chips before leading everyone up to his room. He shut the door, and they all got in comfortable positions on Taylor's various furnishings. Angel sat on Taylor's bed next to him, and Taylor tossed everyone a bag of chips.

Within minutes, Taylor's room looked as though there had been a bomb. Angel looked over at Taylor who was watching all his friends with a huge smile.

Angel relaxed, and she put her head in Taylor's lap while everyone started to talk.

"Hey, do you all think you could stay over tonight?" Taylor asked everyone.

After they all called their parents to make sure it was okay, everyone gathered once again in Taylor's room.

Throughout the course of the day, Angel got to know everyone extremely well. She and Ariel became fast friends, and she already had plans with her for a trip to the mall. Charlotte didn't seem to like Angel very much, but Angel knew it was because of her obvious crush on Taylor. Nick seemed really nice, and if Angel hadn't been involved with Taylor, she definitely would have given Nick some though. Julia was very quiet, but she was a really good listener, and she had a great sense of humor. Mark was going out with Ariel, but they got into lots of fights. Angel didn't really have very much in common with William besides skating and sports, but she liked him anyway. He was incredibly unique.

Angel learned that she would be going to school with all of her new friends at Tulsa High (AN: As you can see, originality is not one of my most oustanding qualities). She hoped that she would have at least one class with Ariel.

"How about we all watch a movie?" Taylor suggested, getting up from his position next to Angel and walking over to the video cabinet underneath the television.

They finally decided on 'Braveheart,' and Taylor shut the blinds in his room, making it incredibly dark. When he managed to find his way back to the bed with the help of the light coming off the screen, he rested his head on Angel's shoulder. She put her arm around him, and they watched in silence for a while.

She felt Taylor slip something on her finger, and she looked at him questioningly.

"It's a promise ring," he whispered. "I pro-"

Angel pressed her finger against Taylor's lips. "I know," she said.

Taylor smiled and kissed Angel softly.

Angel put her head on Taylor's chest, and they settled back down to watch the rest of the movie.

Chapter 38

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