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7 Minutes in Heaven (38)

"Hey, would anyone care to order pizza for dinner?" asked Taylor after the movie ended.

Everyone agreed that it was fine, and while they waited on the pizza man to deliver their food, they decided to play Seven Minutes in Heaven. They all wrote their names on a small piece of paper and stuck them into a bowl. Since Angel was new at this, it was unanimous that she be the first one to choose.

She reached in, and to her complete dismay, she found herself staring at Nick's name. She reluctantly followed Nick into the closet, hoping that he wouldn't enjoy this too much.

As soon as the door shut, Nick moved closer to Angel.

"Nick, don't do this," she whispered.

"I have to at least kiss you. Can't break the rules, you know. Then it wouldn't be fun."

"Fine," Angel consented. No sooner had she uttered those words, than Nick's lips were pressed against hers gently.

"See, that wasn't so bad," Nick whispered when they pulled apart.

"I guess not, but don't do it again," said Angel.

The door opened, and Charlotte stood there, informing them that the seven minutes were up. Angel hurried back to the circle and took her place next to Taylor.

Next, it was Taylor's turn to pick. Angel wasn't sure she could handle seeing him walk into his closet with someone else, but luckily Taylor drew Angel's name.

They quickly walked to the closet and shut the door, eager to start their seven minutes.

"Taylor," whispered Angel as soon as the door shut again, "thank you for the ring. It's beautiful. Every time I look-"

"I know. Every time you look at it, you'll think of everything we've shared this summer," Taylor cut her off.

Angel smiled. She was amazed by the special bond that they shared. They both knew each other so well, and this made her extremely happy. She put her arms around Taylor's neck and brought her lips so that they were almost touching his.

"I love you," she whispered.

"I love you more," he whispered back before pressing his lips against hers. She was in the process of lifting Taylor's shirt over his head when the door opened, and Taylor quickly brought the shirt back down.

"Pizza's here," said Ariel from her position in the doorway.

Chapter 39

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