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Balderdash (39)

"So, what exactly are we going to do tonight?" asked Ariel.

"Well, why doesn't Angel tell us some more about herself. It might be just me, but I don't feel like I know her very well," suggested William.

Angel agreed with them and then proceeded to tell them everything about her life: the way it was in Florida, the way it is now, and the way she hopes it turns out when she gets older. Everyone listened very intently to her story, and by the time they were through eating, they all felt like they had known her forever.

"Let's try this again," said Ariel, "what are we going to do tonight? I don't really feel like doing anything that requires physical exertion seeing as how I just ate more than I think I've ever eaten in my entire life. Can we play some kind of a thinking game or something like that?"

"Taylor, do you have Balderdash?" asked Julia.

"No, sorry," he answered.

"That's the best game!" exclaimed Mark. "Couldn't we just play it with a dictionary instead?"

"I guess so. One person can hold the dictionary and write the correct answer on a piece of paper. Everyone else can hand their definitions to that person who then reads them out loud, and that's how we can guess which one is correct," said Charlotte.

"Can I hold the dictionary for the first round?" asked William. "I'm extremely uncreative."

"Sure," said Taylor as he handed him the dictionary.

"Everyone ready?" asked William.

He heard a chorus of 'yes'es, so he began. "The word is scarfskin."

Angel wrote down the most creative answer she could think of: to eat skin, and she handed it to William.

After everyone had handed in their slips of paper, William began to read them out loud. Most of them said that scarfskin was a disease and then proceeded to list the symptoms, a few said it was a rare type of skin that had to be protected by wearing a scarf at all times, but the real answer was that it was the skin of a small woodland creature made into a scarf and worn around the neck.

The game went on like this with each of them rotating possession of the dictionary until they had pretty much gotten bored with the game because people began giving such literal and predictable answers.

"I think I'm going to go to sleep," said Charlotte after seeing that it was past 3 a.m.

Taylor lead everyone into his room, where they made beds on the floor. He gave Angel a pair of boxers and a t-shirt because she hadn't thought to bring any over, and she didn't want to go home and get one.

"Goodnight, everyone," Taylor whispered before shutting his eyes.

Angel climbed in bed with Taylor, and she layed her head on his chest. She kissed his lips tenderly before placing one arm carelessly across his body. Within minutes, everyone in the room was asleep.

Chapter 40

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