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Movies, Pizza, Kisses (4)

Time progressed, and Taylor and Angel became very close friends, and they spent every waking moment together. Every night, they stayed up late and talked either online or on the phone.

One day, they decided to go rollerblading again. This had become one of their favorite past times, and they were trying to teach each other new tricks. Taylor called Angel and he asked Isaac to tell his mom where he was going since she wasn't home.

They started off for the park again since it had become one of their favorite spots, and they skated around for a while trying to annoy various individuals. Angel looked at her watch and realized what time it was.

"Taylor! We were supposed to be home an hour ago. We were going to go to San Antonio for a night. Great. We probably missed it."

They hurriedly skated home, and when they went inside Taylor's house, they found a note on the refrigerator:

"Tay and Angel, we are really sorry, but we had to leave without you. I hope you aren't too upset. We couldn't find you, and all Isaac said was that you had gone rollerblading. We tried to look for you, but it got too late, and we had to go. I've left some money on the table so you can order pizza or do with it whatever you want. You have the houses to yourselves, tonight. Please try not to burn anything down.

Love, Mom"

"Well, maybe it won't be so bad. We get to order pizza, stay up as late as we want, and we can listen to music really loud, and there's nobody here to tell us to shut up," said Taylor.

"Yeah. Besides, it would have been really crowded with only four hotel rooms, anyway. I've been to San Antonio. There's nothing exciting to do there, especially if you're only going to stay one night. There wouldn't ever be a moment of peace, and who wants to spend five hours riding in a car just so we can get there before it's dark."

"So, do you want to order pizza or do you want to go do something else with the money?" asked Taylor.

"Well, I think pizza sounds pretty good, and since this is probably the only time we're going to have the house to ourselves, I think we should enjoy every single minute of it," suggested Angel.

Taylor called and ordered a medium pizza with cheese. They payed the pizza guy, and they settled down on the couch to talk over their elegant meal (AN: I was just kidding. I know some of you don't have a sense of humor, and so I'm just going to point out to you that I do not consider pizza gourmet dining).

After they were through, Taylor got up to dispose of the pizza box and soda cans, and Angel lay down on the sofa. She closed her eyes, and she didn't hear Taylor come back in the room. Taylor watched her for a few minutes thinking about how beautiful she looked. He was contemplating whether or not he should take a chance and just kiss her. He wasn't quite sure how she'd react, but he decided that he really had nothing to lose...except a wonderful friendship. Summoning all his courage, Taylor leaned down and pressed his lips gently against Angel's.

Angel lay down and started to think. She thought about what it would feel like if she kissed Taylor. She thought she liked him, but she wasn't sure if it was real love or just lust. From the day she met him, she had had a huge crush on him, and she didn't quite know how to let him know. "Depending on how well tonight goes," she thought, "maybe I'll drop a few subtle hints." As she lay thinking some more, she felt Taylor's lips press against hers creating a moment of pure heaven.

Taylor pulled away, and Angel started to say something, but she was silenced by another kiss. She wrapped her arms around Taylor's neck, not wanting to let go of the moment. She felt Taylor's hands work their way up and under her shirt, and as much as she wanted to let him go there, she decided that tonight was not the right time. After all, he hadn't even asked her out yet.

"Taylor, I really think that you're moving a little fast. Listen, I think that we should just take it easy for a little while, we aren't even going out, and what would all your fans think if they found out?"

"I guess you're right. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"Taylor," said Angel, "you didn't do anything wrong, and you didn't make me uncomfortable. I just think that it's a little soon, and I know that if I didn't stop myself now, I wouldn't have been able to had you gone any farther.

"What do you want to do? We could just talk some more, or we could watch a movie or something. Whichever you prefer, Angel," said Taylor.

"Well, what movies do you have?" asked Angel.

"We have 'Mrs. Doubtfire,' 'The Birdcage,' and 'Scream.' You can pick."

"I'd like to see 'The Birdcage.' That's the only one I haven't seen yet."

So Taylor and Angel sat down next to each other and proceeded to watch 'The Birdcage.' Halfway through the movie, Angel discovered that she was more tired than she had originally thought, and she lay her head in Taylor's lap and promptly fell asleep. Soon, the credits started to roll, and Taylor leaned over and kissed her cheek. She woke up and she was surprised at how late it had gotten.

"Wow. It's already 12:00? I should probably, uh....go home now. I'll see you tomorrow, then?" asked Angel, not wanting to sound too desperate, but hoping that Taylor remembered her intense fear of sleeping alone in a house.

Taylor knew that Angel was afraid to sleep all by herself on a floor at night, so it didn't take him long to figure out that she would probably be up all night long just worrying about whether or not something would happen to her. (AN: this is completely true. I can't stand being alone at night)

"Listen, I know you don't feel too great about sleeping alone, so do you want me to sleep at your house tonight?" asked Taylor.

"Only you would remember that I hate being alone. Why don't you go upstairs and get whatever you need and then meet me back at my house, okay?" said Angel.

"Okay. I'll see you in about ten minutes."

Angel quickly rushed inside and slipped into her pajamas which consisted of a silk tank top and silk shorts. She decided that she had just enough time to shave her legs, and as soon as she finished, the doorbell rang.

She ran downstairs and opened it, letting Taylor in. They decided that they would both sleep in Angel's waterbed because it was king-sized and Taylor had always wanted to sleep in a waterbed.

"Taylor, what are they going to think if they come home and see us sleeping together? We're probably not going to be able to see each other for twenty years."

"They aren't going to be home until after noon anyway, so all we have to do is set the alarm clock."

They lay down to go to sleep, and Taylor scooted over, put his arm around Angel, and stroked her hair gently. He gave her one last passionate kiss, and he ran his tongue along her lips. She opened her mouth slightly, allowing Taylor's tongue in, and she began running her hands up and down his back. She slipped his shirt off, in spite of her earlier contentions, and she held him close to her.

Taylor rolled over so that Angel was now on top of him, and he proceeded to lift her shirt over her head. He kissed her neck, and she rolled back over so that Taylor was on top of her once again. Gradually, their kisses became less frequent, and they found their eyes shutting. They fell asleep, close together, holding each other tightly, with their shirts discarded on the floor.

The next morning, they were awakened by a small cry from Angel's mother, only to find that she had returned, and they had slept through the alarm clock.

More Chapters

Chapter Five
