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Comfort (40)
"Look at them. They're so cute. Should we wake them up or not?" asked Julia the next morning.

"I dunno," said Nick. "Taylor looks like he's really enjoying it. That might be classified as cruel and unusual punishment."

"Oh, I think we should leave them," said Ariel. "From what I saw last night, I'm guessing that this is the most sleep they've gotten in the past few weeks."

"No kidding," William commented. "I still think we should wake them up, though. It's not really fair that Taylor gets to sleep with her and we don't. She's gorgeous. I hope Taylor knows how lucky he is. I'd kill for something as special as what they have..."

"William, you have absolutely no clue what you're talking about, do you?" whispered Charlotte.

"Not at all," he replied, smiling.

Mark motioned to his five friends, and they all walked out of the room silently, shutting the door behind them.

Angel awoke, and for the first time in weeks, she felt well-rested. She glanced at the alarm clock, and she realized that it was already one in the afternoon.

She kissed Taylor's lips, and his eyes opened slowly. He pulled her close to him, and he deepened the kiss.

When they pulled away, Angel took a deep breath. "I'm glad we didn't really do anything last night. I was beginning to think that our relationship was based solely on the fact that we fooled around every night. Besides, I'm still a little sore from the other night."

"Yeah, I know. It actually feels better just being with you than it does when we do all that....stuff. I still love you just the same as I did before, but last night was just more....I dunno....comfortable," said Taylor.

"Where do you think everyone is?" asked Angel.

"Well, they're probably out in the living room waiting for us to get out of bed, so I suggest we get dressed and go meet them out there," said Taylor, getting out of bed.

"There's one problem. I don't have any clean clothes," Angel said, smiling.

"I'll give you some of mine," he said, handing her a blue t-shirt and a pair of jeans. "Angel?"


"Well," Taylor began, "canIdressyou?"

Angel smiled and walked over to Taylor, pulling her shirt off and putting her lips against his gently. She allowed Taylor to slide her shorts off and then lay her carefully down on the bed. He placed his lips on her neck, and he kissed her softly while she ran her fingers through his hair. Angel stroked his face with the tips of her fingers, and he put his head down on her shoulder, just enjoying the feeling.

After a while, he kissed her shoulders and brought his lips together with hers once again. He lifted himself off of her, and he got off of the bed to retrieve her bra. He came back, and he began to slowly slip it on her arms.

"Not yet, Tay," she whispered, pulling his shirt over his head and holding him close to her.

"I think we should go wake Taylor and Angel. They've been sleeping for a really long time," said William.

"I agree," said Charlotte, slowly opening the door to Taylor's room.

What they saw left all five of them completely speechless.

Chapter Twenty-One

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