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False Accusations (5)

"Uh-oh." Angel thought. She could not believe the mess she was in. Great. Now her mom was going to tell her grandmother and her father who would tell her grandfather and her sisters, who would inevitably tell all of her friends and all of her cousins. Then another thought crossed her mind. Her mom was going to have to tell Taylor's parents. That would mean that Taylor would get in trouble. Now, not only would SHE be miserable, but Taylor would be miserable also. And unless her mother made a dramatic overnight change, Angel would not be able to see Taylor for another century. Well, she had been right. She really WOULD be spending most of her summer in her room.

"Mom, we are so incredibly sorry. This really is not what you think it looks like, and I hope you aren't too mad at me?" Angel rather asked than said.

"Angel and Taylor, I am so mad at you right now that I'm just going to leave because if I stayed any longer, I will not be held accountable for what I'm about to do. Both of you shower and get dressed. I don't want to see either of you until you are full clothed and until I have had a chance to calm down and talk this over with your father, Angel. And Taylor, I'm calling your parents." Mrs. Truitt turned and left, leaving Taylor and Angel to speculate about their punishments.

"Taylor, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault," Angel said. She was tempted to start crying, but her best friend had once told her that crying never gets you anywhere. She looked over at Taylor who looked very upset. "Taylor, why don't you go take a long, hot shower. You'll feel better, I promise. If you want, you can use the jacuzzi. I'll stay out here and straighten up my room." Angel leaned over to Taylor and gave him a soft, reassuring kiss. She watched him walk into the bathroom and she heard the shower turn on. She made her bed, cleaned up the entertainment system, and then she sat back on her bed to think.

Taylor came out of the bathroom, and Angel could tell that the shower had really helped him. He still looked worried, but she could tell that he felt much better. She walked into the bathroom and used the shower. Then she dried her hair, and walked out of the bathroom. Taylor was watching television, and she snuck up behind him and wrapped her arms around his neck. He leaned back to kiss her, and she pulled him in close to her.

"So, does this mean that you'll go out with me?" asked Taylor. Instead of replying, Angel ran her fingers slowly through Taylor's silky hair, and pulled him in for another kiss.

"I guess so. Assuming we ever get to see each other again..." said Angel.

Taylor hugged her tightly, fully knowing that these few moments may be their last together for a really long time.

"Listen, they can't just say we can't see each other. That wouldn't be right. Besides, my parents aren't like that. They trust me and they know that I'm very responsible," Taylor reassured her.

"Yeah, but my parents don't trust me. I've never given them a reason why they not to, but I know that they could easily punish me like that, and I don't think they'd even hesitate when thinking about it," said Angel glumly.

"Sweetie, you need to come downstairs now," called her grandmother over the intercom.

Taylor and Angel sat there for a few moments, just holding each other. Taylor leaned down and gently kissed Angel on the lips. They gave each other one last hug before heading downstairs to meet their fate.

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Chapter Six Six
