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Fate (6)

Angel walked downstairs holding Taylor's hand tightly, but when she saw the look her mom was giving her, she quickly dropped it. She sat down on the couch, and Taylor sat next to her. For a few minutes, nothing was said. Then, Mrs. Truitt spoke.

"I hope you both realize that you did something very wrong, and I'm afraid, Angel, that I'm going to have to punish you for it."

"Mom, can I at least explain to you what you saw?"

"Yes, but I'm not going to believe it. I know what you two were doing. I'm not stupid. It doesn't take a genius to figure out what you did with each other last night," said her mother coldly.

"Mom, you know how I'm afraid to sleep on a seperate floor than anyone else, let alone a whole house. I asked Taylor to keep me company. That's it. I promise," explained Angel.

"How can you expect me to believe that?! You had your arms around each other, and your shirts were on the floor. I can't believe that you could ever think that I'm so stupid. Just for that, you are going to suffer some serious consequences, young lady. In fact, you are not allowed to see or talk to Taylor until further notice."

Despite the fact that Angel had resolved not to cry, this was just too much for her. Just because her mother made some major assumptions, she was going to lose her best friend. Taylor was the only person she could trust (besides Brad, but it didn't help that he was all the way in Florida), and now she was going to lose him all because of one little mistake. No, mistake wasn't the word. A mistake was something she would have regretted, but she'd do that again in a heartbeat. She wasn't suffering because of her own mistake, but she was suffering because of her mother's mistake, and now, Taylor would have to suffer, too.

Taylor looked over at Angel who had allowed one lonely tear to roll silently down her cheek. He moved closer to her and wrapped his arms around her. Hesitating, Angel finally let herself be comforted by Taylor.

Taylor decided to speak up. He wasn't about to let Angel's mother make her absolutely miserable just because of his mistake. No, not his mistake, but her mom's mistake. He didn't regret last night, and he didn't want Angel to, either. "Mrs. Truitt, I know I've only known Angel for a month, but during that time, we have become very close. She's my best friend. Please don't take that away from me. I love her, and it took me a while to realize it, but now that I have, I'm not about to let you or anyone else take this wonderful friendship away," said Taylor.

"Excuse me?! You love her? What do YOU know about love? You're only fourteen. You can't possibly know that you love her. This is absolutely pathetic. I can't believe I'm actually here talking to a fourteen year-old CHILD who thinks he knows about love. I'm not changing my mind, and I'm going to call your mother now. I think you should head home," said Mrs. Truitt rather harshly.

Taylor gave Angel one last hug, and got up to leave. "I'll see you around, Angel," he said. Angel couldn't help but smile. A while ago, they had come up with a code, and "I'll see you around," meant, "I'll see you around midnight in the tree house."

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Chapter Seven
