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Rules Are Meant To Be Broken(7)

Angel was right. Her mother told her grandmother and her father, and who knows who they told, but one thing was for sure, her life was slowly but surely falling apart. That night, she got a phone call from Brad.

"Angel, is it true about your little adventure with Taylor?"

"That, Brad, would depend on what 'little adventure' you're talking about," said Angel, who was getting more annoyed by the minute.

"Well, Alana told me that you had sex with Taylor."

"What?! All we did was sleep in the same room. My mom is blowing this WAY out of proportion. If I hear one more rumor about myself, I am going to be forced to commit a random act of violence. What's even worse is that Taylor and I can't see each other. I hate this. I must have been Nero in my last life. Either that, or someone just really hates me."

"Are you sure? Alana said you guys were all over each other, and you weren't wearing any clothes."

"How would Alana know? The only person who saw us was my mom. Alana is really going to get it. If she told Abby, I am never going to hear the end of it. You know how Abby is. She couldn't keep a secret if the fate of her Barbies depended upon it. Besides, all we did was sleep next to each other. I DO have a king-sized bed, you know, and the only article of clothing that was missing was out shirts. I'd hardly call that something to get upset over," Angel replied as she glanced over at the clock. She saw that it was 11:55, and she knew that she had to go meet Taylor in the tree house. "Listen, Brad, I have to go meet Taylor, so I'll talk to you later, okay?"

"But, Angie, I thought you weren't allowed to see Taylor..."

"Brad, you've known me for fourteen years. Have I EVER followed the rules?" she said before hanging up. She started to go downstairs, but she found that the whole family was sitting in the living room. "Great. Now, I have to use the window," she thought.

She had never had to use the window before, and she outside, thankful that she had taken gymnastics. She wasn't afraid of heights, either, so she found that it was rather easy to get down. Getting back up was another story, but she would worry about that when the time came. She ran through the woods behind her house, and soon, she reached the treehouse.

As she climbed inside, she saw that Taylor was waiting for her. She sat down next to him, and she gave him a long kiss.

"Taylor, did you really mean what you said to my mom, earlier?" Angel asked.

"Angel, I meant every word of it. I love you more than anything, and I need you so badly. Having to live today without you was pure torture."

Angel turned her head and looked directly into his deep blue eyes. She wanted to melt right there. "I love, you, Taylor," she whispered before moving slightly forward so that her lips met Taylor's in the most passionate kiss she had ever felt. She pulled away, and leaned in to kiss him again. As their kisses became more intense, Angel felt Taylor move his hands just underneath the bottom of her shirt. She shivered slightly, but she didn't mind.

When Taylor felt her shiver, he pulled away from her. "Can I?" he asked. She nodded, and she moved her lips over to his cheek as he gently pulled her shirt over her head. She then continued down to his neck. As if he read her mind, he removed his own shirt and let her lips work their way down his chest. He moved his hands around, exploring the upper part of her body, only stopping long enough for her to remove her bra and toss it in the corner.

He kissed her shoulders, and he decided to try taking it one step further. He reached down and began unbuttoning her jean shorts.

Angel reached down and put her hand on top of Taylor's, "Taylor, not yet. I love you, but I'm not quite ready, and neither are you. We aren't even allowed to legally see each other, and I don't think that our families would be too thrilled to discover that their children are no longer virgins. When I'm ready, believe me, you'll be the first one to know."

"You're right," Taylor said yawning. "I am so tired. Do you want to sleep out here with me?" he asked.

Angel hesitated, but she realized that the summer was half over, and Taylor wasn't going to be around for a whole year. She decided to spend every minute with him, and so she reached for her bra and shirt, but Taylor stopped her.

"You don't need those. I'll keep you warm," he whispered. She lay down next to him, and she gave him one last kiss before closing her eyes and falling asleep in Taylor's loving arms.

More Chapters

Chapter Eight
