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Nosy People (8)

The next morning, Angel awoke to the sun shining in her face. She turned over to look at Taylor who was sleeping peacefully. She looked at her watch, and realized that everyone would be waking up soon, and she had to get home before they noticed she was gone. She leaned over and kissed Taylor softly on the lips. As their lips touched, Taylor's eyes fluttered open, and he sat up. They both quickly put their shirts back on. "See ya around, Tay," Angel said as she gave him a quick hug before she climbed down and ran back to her house.

She found that getting back inside wasn't nearly as difficult as she had perceived, and she hopped into the shower and got dressed. When she got out, she was the only person awake, and so she turned on the radio and lay back on her bed to think about Taylor.

Their relationship had evolved at such a quick pace, leaving her with almost no time to think about what was happening. If someone had told her three days ago that she would be going out with Taylor, she would have thought they were absolutely crazy, but even though she had only experienced it for two days, she couldn't imagine what life would be like without Taylor. All summer long, she had taken for granted that Taylor would be there, but now that she was no longer permitted to see him, she began to realize how important he had become. He was very special, and she was glad that they had gotten to spend some time together, and she knew that it wouldn't be long before she could see him again. She remembered the trip that they would take to Mackinac Island later that summer, and since Tay's family was going also, her mother couldn't avoid letting them see each other. They would get to go next week, and she was so excited. After that, they would be going to Bellaire, Michigan (AN: It really is a place, and it's very pretty) where Isaac, Taylor, Zac, Angel, and Alana would share a room, so that was just one more way that they could be together.

She heard the phone ring, and picked it up. Who would be calling so early? Maybe it was Taylor...

She picked it up, only to hear Brad's voice on the other line.

"Hey, Angel. How'd it go last night?"

"Brad, you are perhaps the nosiest person I have ever met, but if you must know, it went fine. Nobody knows I was gone, and I'm very glad. We slept out in the treehouse, and he is so sweet. Until yesterday morning, I wasn't even sure I wanted to be with him, but now that I can't see him until midnight, I know how much he means to me. I think I really love him."

"Anyway, I better let you go, so I'll talk to you later. I just wanted to see how things were going. Bye."

Angel hung up the phone. With every passing day, she was getting more and more annoyed with Brad. He was older than she, but that certainly didn't give him the right to pry into her personal life. She needed to get out. She told her mom that she was going rollerblading, and she left. She headed to the park, even though she knew it wouldn't be the same without Taylor. She skated around, trying to perfect some of the jumps Taylor had taught her. She couldn't wait until tonight. She wanted to see Taylor again.

When she got home, she decided to go have a little talk with Alana about telling various people about her personal affairs. She went into Alana's room, not even bothering to knock. Alana never knocked, so why should she?

Alana was lying peacefully on her bed, headphones on, listening to the tape Zac had made for her. Angel pushed stop, and Alana abruptly sat up.

"Oh, dear little sister of mine, we need to have a serious talk. You are not to tell Brad or anyone else about me and Taylor. You told Brad that we had sex, and you wouldn't even know whether or not it was true. What is wrong with you? Would you like me going off and spreading rumors about you like that? You didn't mention any of this to Abby, did you?"

"No way! You know how Abby is. She asks a million questions, so I'd never get to hear the end of it."

She walked out of Alana's room, and she heard the phone ring. Her mom picked it up, and she could hear her talking to Taylor's mom. They were going to go out to dinner later that night, and Angel would get to see Taylor sooner than she had initially thought. Her mom called up the stairs for her to get ready. They had reservations at 7:00, and it was already three. Her mother had a horrible thing for being ready early. She always had to be there an hour before hand, for some reason. Angel could at least take her time getting ready.

She took a really long bubble bath, using all of her skin softeners and moisturizers that she had. She shaved her legs, curled her straight brown hair, brushed her teeth extra well, and she made sure to wash her face. She used a little bit of makeup to cover up the small scar she had on her left cheek. She wasn't quite sure what it was from, but all she knew was that it was there. She then put on a silver tank top from Old Navy, and a pair of baggy jeans from The Gap. She slipped into her silver shoes and she put on some silver earrings that reflected light really well. She put on a very small amount of silver lipstick and some sparkles above her eyes. One of her friends had told her once that it looked like she was frozen when she did that. It made her friends really mad at her because they were all into strictly earth tones, but all the guys seemed to like it, so she decided that it can't possibly look that bad.

She walked downstairs and sat on the couch to wait for the rest of her family. She turned the television on, and she decided to watch MTV. She turned it off when she saw the Where's the Love video. Everything she saw reminded her of Taylor, and she didn't want to think about the fact that he wasn't there.

Eventually, the rest of her family came downstairs, and they all piled into the van and set off for the restaurant. Angel was glad she had brought her discman because Abby and Alana had gotten into a fight over who was prettier: Beach Blast Barbie or Totally Hair Barbie. A Barbie was a Barbie. Why couldn't they just leave it at that?

Before she knew it, they had arrived at the restaurant. They got out of the car, and walked inside. The Hansons were already there, and they walked over and sat down. Angel actually got to sit next to Taylor. He held her hand under the table, and he playfully bumped his leg against hers. This went on all throughout dinner. Mrs. Truitt suspected somthing going on between Taylor and Angel, but Angel wasn't showing any change in expression, and it was driving her nuts.

Angel was honestly very glad that she had taken acting classes. She knew what her mother was thinking, and she knew it drove her absolutely crazy. She didn't change her expression at all during dinner, but after they had gotten back into the car, she had smiled the biggest smile ever.

By the time they got home, there was just enough time for Angel to brush her teeth (No, Angel doesn't have OCD), and she climbed out of the window once again, sprinting to the tree house. Once again, Taylor was waiting for her, and she met him with a very passionate kiss. They decided to talk a while, and they decided to play a game of truth or dare.

More Chapters

Chapter Nine
