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Truth or Dare (9)
"Truth or dare, Angel?" asked Taylor.

Angel wasn't feeling very daring, so she went for the truth, "Truth, Tay."

"How much do you love me?" he asked.

Angel didn't quite know how to answer that. It isn't the kind of question you can answer in words, so she moved closer to Taylor, and tucking a loose strand of blond hair behind his ear, she moved her lips so that they were touching his. She ran one of her delicate hands through his silky blond hair, and she gently stroked his cheek with the other.

She let him lift her silver top over her head, and she felt his hands moving all over her upper body. He unhooked her bra and she tossed it over in the corner. She gave him a gentle kiss on both cheeks, and then she moved down to his neck. She began unbuttoning his blue shirt, and he slipped out of it and threw it into the corner along with Angel's clothes. She moved her lips down to his chest, and he held her close to him like he never wanted to let her go.

Angel felt Taylor pull away slightly. "Taylor, what's wrong?"

"Well, it just really sunk in about what our consequences would be if anyone found us. I don't want to lose you for good. We would get to be together next week if nobody discovers us. I'm not worried about my punishment so much as yours. I have Ike at home who's making sure that nobody knows, but you don't have anyone, and your parents are very strict. I don't want anything to happen to you" whispered Taylor.

"Taylor, thank you but, I promise, nothing is going to happen. And if somebody did find out, there is nothing that could happen that I can't handle. Trust me. River deep, nor mountain high could keep me away from you. You're my best friend, my soul mate. You understand me, and I understand you. I love you too much to risk losing you. If I thought that there was any chance that I might lose you, I wouldn't be here. That wouldn't be worth the risk. I don't regret coming here and seeing you, and I never will. This is where I feel safe. With you," Angel whispered that last sentence into Taylor's ear, and she lay her head on his bare shoulder.

"Angel, can I ask you something serious?"

"Of course, Taylor."

"Promise me you won't think I'm weird or perverted?"

"Taylor, I know you aren't. Now, what was it you needed to know? You can ask me anything. You know that."

"When do you think that you're going to be ready to go all the way with me?" Taylor asked, blushing.

"It depends. Some people aren't ready until they've been seeing each other for a few years, and then there are those people who are ready on the first night. I think that we should gradually build up to it so that it won't be such a completely overwhelming experience. That's how most people end up breaking off the relationship, and I don't want that to happen. I want to take it slow. Every few nights, I may let you go a little farther than before, or I may let you experiment with something else. I'd like to make sure that you are familiar with my body first, and I'd like to be more familiar with yours before we try anything serious. Is that what you wanted to know, Taylor?" Angel finished.

"Yeah. Thanks for letting me know. I agree with you. The more I think about it, the more I see that it wouldn't be a good idea to jump into this. This isn't exactly familiar ground that I'm walking on here, and I wouldn't have any idea where to start if we were to do it right now," Taylor said.

"That's what I love about you, Taylor. You're an awesome listener, but you also think and have input. I know lots of people who are good listeners only because they're can't say anything intelligent, but you're different. You're......special. I just want to keep you here with me and never let you leave. I honestly enjoy your company, and that's why I'm willing to risk coming here to see you. If I didn't love you, I wouldn't put my whole world at risk only to come here just to be with you for a few hours. The first night, I had some doubts about coming, but when I held you close to me, they were all washed away. I love you, Taylor..." Angel said softly to him before kissing him one last time on the lips and falling asleep to his kisses.

Taylor kissed Angel all over until he was sure that she was asleep. He gave her a tender kiss on her lips before wrapping his arms tightly around her and laying his head next to hers.

"I love you..." He whispered to her before finally closing his eyes for good.

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Chapter Ten
