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"Brad, this is going to really suck. Why did they have to move to Tulsa? Now, instead of going to Hawaii every summer, we're going to have to go to hick-ville. Now, we instead of going boating for fun, we're probably going to have to take up chicken farming, and they sold the Spider, so now, we're probably going to have to go cruising in a tractor or something lame."

"Angie, listen, it can't possibly be as bad as you're making it out to be. For all you know the people in Tulsa could also like to rollerblade, cruise around in convertibles, play soccer and basketball, and do whatever else it is you like to do."

"Brad, how many times do I have to tell you? Do NOT call me Angie. My name is Angel, and that is that. Grandma and Grandpa now have a house in TULSA. No more Hawaii, and no more fun. I know they moved off the island so they could be closer to us, but they could have moved to California or Florida. But NO. They had to move to Tulsa. My summer is totally ruined, and it hasn't even started yet."

"Angel, did I mention to you that I'm not going to be there this summer? I'm really sorry. You're my absolute favorite cousin, and I wish I could be there, but I'm failing Math and Science, so I have to go to summer school. I really hate to be the one to tell you, but if it makes you feel any better, I'm not even going to be having half as much fun as you are because I'll be in school."

"Brad! Thanks for brightening up my day. Listen, I have to go pack. We're leaving tomorrow for Tulsa, and I guess I won't see you there."

Before she gave Brad a chance to respond, Angel hung up the phone. She turned her radio up high and began singing along to My Heart Will Go On (AN: For all of you who still think the song is called Near and Far, it isn't. Just thought I'd clear that up). It wasn't long before she finished packing, lay back down on her waterbed, and floated off to sleep with I Will Come to You playing on her radio.

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Chapter One
