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Questions To Pounder ?!?!?!?!?!?

Here are some thoughts that just popped into my head and i thought you might imjoy hearing them.....

are fish ticklish?

why do onions make you cry?

what is bellybutton lint?

why can't you remove those warning tags from mattresses?

who invented silly putty?

why do donuts have holes?

why are yawns contagious?

If silence is golden, what is noise?

why does the sun make skin darker and hair lighter?

why isn't "phometic" spelled the way it sounds?

why do we freeze ice in cubs?

can animals be left-handed?

why is 13 supposed to be an unlucky number?

why do we drive on parkways and park on driveways?

why doesn't superglue stick to the tube?

how can something be a "genuine imitaion"?

how do scuba driver sneeze?

what is that parkly stuff in the sidewalk?

why do the doors of the 24-housr stores have locks?

why do noses run and feet smell?

If our bodies are made mostly of water, why don't we evaporate?

why is it so hard to remember dreams?

why is the sky blue?

why can eating ice cream give you a headache?

why is a tomato really a fruit?

what does the tooth fairy do with all those teeth?

why do we "take" showers when we don't bring them anywhere?

why do cows lie down before it rains?

If the universe is expanding, why is there never enough closet space?

If you strangle a smuff what colour does it turn?