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Cub Scouts Pack 277

My Favorite things about Boyscouts

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Scouts Logo-
  • I will do my best

    Scouts Promise-
  • I, Tyler M., promise to do my best,
  • to do my duty to God and my Country,
  • and to obey the law of the Pack.

    The Law of the Pack-

  • The Cub Scout follows Akela
  • The Cub Scout help the pack go
  • The pack helps the Cub Scout grow
  • The Cub Scout gives good will.


  • We'll Be Loyal Scouts

    Cub Scout Sign-

  • Make the sign with your right hand and with your arm held straight up.
  • The two fingers stand for 2 parts of the promis-
  • to help others and to obey.

    Cub Scout Hand Shake-

  • Hold out your right hand, just as you always do,
  • put your first two fingers along the inside the other boy's wrist.

    Cub Scout Salute-

  • Salute with your right hand, hold fingers for Cub Scout Sign,
  • Keep fingers staight and close,
  • Touch tip of fingers to cap or right eyebrow.

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