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GeT yOuR e-PaLs HeRe!!

Go Home, If Ya Wanna!

Hey! This is a place where you can get e-mail palz all over the net! Want yourself on here so ppl can e-mail you? Go ahead and E-Mail Us your name, nicknames, age, hobbies, Hanson Fan, or not, And if ya are a Hanson Fan, Who's your fave?, and any other stuff that ya want us to put up here! And one more thing, you need to tell us what your e-mail addy is, okay? Yeah, itz that easy! Now do it!

Name: Mallory Day

Nicknames: Mal, Mal Mal, Mally, etc...

Age: 13

Hobbies: Listening to music, hangin' out with my friends, Updating and playin' around with this page, OH! And I love to get e-mail, and have e-palz!

Hanson Fan: Oh Yeah!

Fave Hanson: If I had to pick, I'd pick Tay cuz he is just so sweet!

Ya can e-mail me HERE! I'd love to hear from anyone!

Name: Leymy Monte

Nicknames: Not many, but sometimes Leymbo<---Don't ask...

Age: 14 on May 6.

Hobbies: Anything, really!

Hanson fan?:They're okay, but I'm not big into Hanson. I like Usher mostly!

I don't have the internet,ya can e-mail my bud Mallory, and she will give me the message, and I will write ya through snail-mail, hope that isn't any trouble! Email her HERE! And she will give ya my addy!

Hello, I am Jenny Kennedy and I am 14 yrs old. I love Hanson! I like to sing, listen to music (Hanson), hang out with my friends, and search Hanson sites. Oh yea and work on my page at: Visit My Page! I love to e-mail and send it too. I think if I really had to choose a fave Hanson bro I would go with Tayles cause he is so sweet and the closest to my age, but I still like Zachy and Ikey Poo just as much. E-Mail Me!

Name: Nicole MacNeil

Nicknames: Nail, Nutty, Tiggaboo, and Nicki

Age: 15 on the 25!

Hobbies: Acting and dreaming about Ike!!!

Hanson Fan: All the way, Baby!!!

Fav. Hanson: Ike! He's so cute! I think he's very intellectual! E-Mail Me Now!

Hi, my name is Megan. I am 12 years old. My nicknames are: HansonLover, Hansonfreak...etc...I am a HUGE Hanson fan. My favorite Hanson is Zac. I love him soooooooooooo much!!!! I love Tay and Ike, too, though. They RULE!!!! My hobbies are listening to music (Hanson), chatting, hangin' out with my friends, finding new Hanson sites, and watching t.v. E-Mail Me! Hope to hear from U!!!

Hi, I would like to have a pen-pal.

Name: Gina Jaramillo

Hobbies: Collecting magazines ( With Hanson in it)

Age: 12

Fave Hanson: Taylor (I love him) E-Mail Me, Dudes!

Name: Nichole LaGrande

Nicknames: Nikki, Nik...

Hanson fan?: You'd better believe it!

Hanson Fav: Zac, Zac, Zac

Hobbies: Hanson, Hanson, Hanson, Hanson, Hanson...

Othrez: I really, really want a dedicated E-Pal, so E-Mailme if ya want one like that, 2. I gave a webpage HERE!

Hi there!! I want to be pen-palz!! Watchout!!

Name: Titien Priyanti

Nicknames: Titien, Ty.

Nicknames on the page: Hanson Fanatixc Fan (FF)

Hanson Fan!!!

Age: 13

Fave Hanson: Taylor!!!! He's so sweet and cute!!! :)

E-Mail Me!

Homepage: Here!

Orrrr Here! (Under Construction)

E-mail Me!!! C-ya!

Ty/ Titien.

Name: Kri§ten

Nickname§: Purkle, Blondie, KB, JellyBean

Age: 13

Hobbie§: Basketball, tennis, softball, track, volleyball, soccer, reading, writing, listening to music such as: Hanson, *NSync, Jimi Hendrix, Grateful Dead, Savage Garden, K-Ci & Jo Jo, Boyz II Men, Marcy Playground, Metallica, Reel Big Phish, No Doubt, Save Ferris, and tonz more, hanging out with friends, talking on the phone, basically anything FUN!

Hanson Fan 4 LIFE!

Fave Hanson: I can't say that I have one. They all are part of Hanson. Hanson would'nt be Hanson without Isaac, without Taylor, or without Zac. They all contribute to the band in as many means possible.

E-mail addie:
