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Zac Attack!

Full Name: Zachary Walker Hanson

Nicknames: Zac, Animal, ProZAC

Birthdate: October 22, 1985

Birthplace: Arlington, Virginia (hey I've been there!! .....Jen)

Hometown: Tulsa, OK

Astrological Sign: Libra

Fave Color: Blue

Fave School Subject: Math

When Zac went on the early promotional tours to Europe, he was glad to see those Gloden Arches down the street from Buckingham Palace and on the Champs Elysees!)

Hidden Talent: Can burp a whole sentence...

Self description of Himself: "The romantic one and the goofy, funny one".

Tay and Ike compare Zac to Bart Simpson from the fox t.v. show, "The Simpsons."

Zac shares clothes with Tay.

Zac's bass drum rolled away while he was performing once, and they had to chase after it. (That would be funny to see, don't ya think?)

Zac broke his nose one time, when he and Tay were throwing rocks.

If Hanson doesn't work out, Zac may become a cartoonist.

Zac is 12 right now.

Also heard, Zac's Mom does his hair?!

The following kewl factz are from Nikki L. Thanx Nikki!!

Zac's mom only does his 'dreads'.

Tay and Zac weren't throwing rocks...They were launching rocks off a see-saw.

Zac's fav animal is a ssssssssnake.

Zac's eyes are sooooo gorgeous (not that I have seen them in person). They are either hazel, brown or green. (We say they are brown) The change! Cool, huh?

I love Zac! (heehee, sorry)

Thatz all for now! Got anymore? We'll be glad to add 'em!

Justa Mail 'em to us, K?

This is your way home...
