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Are You Obsessed With Hanson?

Obsession Signs:

1. You are determined to have over 100 posters.

2. You have worn your CD player out with Hanson CDs.

3. The kids you baby-sit for are tired of listening to Hanson.

4. Everyone on your street knows Middle of Nowhere by heart.

5. You know every word, every beat, and every breath spot in every one of their songs.

6. Your parents threaten to kick you out of the house if you have one more Hanson Kereokee night.

7. When your friends want your attention, they say "Hanson"

8. You were caught breaking into Hansons' house trying to get a pair of their socks. You have Zac's in a plastic bag in the back of your drawer. (hey, what the police don't know won't hurt them!)

9. When you call your friends, they say, "If it's about Hanson, I'm busy. If it's about anything else, I'm not busy."

10. On your answering machine, the message reads: " You have reached the _______ house. If this is Hanson, please, please, please leave your number so I can call you back."

11. Isaac calls to find out when their next concert is.

12. You make your sitting charges dye their hair blond, play the guitar, drums and keyboards, and sing MMMbop so you can preview a Hanson performance.

13. You start sleeping in boxers.

14. You start a nation-wide search for Johnny.

15. You be nice to your siblings, even if it kills you.

16. When you write letters to them you sign them, "The Obsessed One"

17. The people who get their fan mail recognize your handwriting.

18. You write to them 4 times a week, every week.

19. You call MTV every hour to request Hanson.

20. The people at the radio station recognize your voice and automatically say, "We don't have any Hanson tickets. Do you want to hear MMMbop or Where's the Love this time?"

21. You take lessons for drums, keyboards, guitar, and voice.

22. You stop calling your enemies "dumb blonds".

23. You go to every concert, no matter where it is.

24. You parents can sing MMMbop backwards.

25. You can sing Where's the Love in 5 different languages.

26. You leave your CD player on 24 hours a day blaring out Hanson, just in case they happen to walk by.

27. You keep copies of Natalie Merchant, Alanis Morrisette, Spin Doctors, and 50's and 60's music handy in case they come over and don't want to listen to themselves.

28. You put yogurt on your upper lip so if they ever see you they will think you are following their milk-moustache example.

29.You have 3 copied of MON. One you listen to, the other you keep in mint condition for them to sign, and the third to frame and hang on your wall.

30. You refuse to date because you feel like you would be cheating on Zac.

31. You dye your socks and underwear blue, red, and green. You look like and idiot, but you "did it for Hanson."

32. The kids you sit for beg there parents for someone else because they are tired of singing Hanson songs.

33. You ignore website facts about them because you already know everything about them.

34. You make over 10 Hanson websites.

35. Every time you listen to I Will Come to You, you see Tay standing at your door with his arms open. You run to him, and find yourself face down in the hallway.

36. You see Zac's face everywhere and kiss everything it's on--even your school locker.

37. You were arrested for stabbing Fiona Apple with the corners of your Hanson CD.

38. You were on trial for attempted murder to your brother because he changed the channel during a Hanson interview.

39. You cry when someone switches the station and Hanson is on.

40. You sit outside your house at night in case a white van with a Tulsa liscense plate drives by.

41. You refuse to believe any rumors about them having girlfriends.

42. When you hear Where's the Love, you say, "Right here, baby."

43. You know MMMbop better than they do.

44. You find yourself drawing Hanson symbols everywhere. 45. When you are grounded you rejoice because you are locked in your room with a Hanson CD.

46. When your friends have a party you aren't invited because they don't want to hear about Hansons' last 24 hours.

47. You celebrate their birthdays and throw a party, even if they don't attend.

48. Your teacher knows Weird by heart.

49. You rip out your carpet, tape down Hanson posters, and put a plastic cover over it.

50. When you attend their concerts, they run away from you.

51. You buy every magazine their in.

52. You have long conversations with your posters and then cry when you realize it's not real.

53. You rode your bike 5 miles in the rain just to get the new Hanson magazine because you couldn't wait until the next day for your mom to drive you.

54. You ditched your best friend becuase her name was Madeline.

55. When you listen to Lucy, you cry because you feel bad for Zac.

56. You force yourself to listen to Time Life tapes at least twice a day.

57. You memorized TT&MON from beginning to end.

58. You want to murder Baby Spice and Jennifer Anniston.

59. You send in three subscriptions to MOE so you have 2 for backup.

60. Anyone who hates Hanson is your enemy.

61. You bought 3 black necklaces to wear.

62. You send them presents in the mail.

63. You appear to have Hanson wallpaper.

64. You purposely tied your self up in Christmas lights.

65. You drink milk 3 times a day, and your lactose-intolerant.

66. You called the people at Webster to convince them that MMMbop is a word. (MMMbop is an unrepeatable moment, taken from the Latin word umbopus. Take that you Webster people!)

67. Your favorite school subjects are math, literature, and history.

68. People at school can identify your locker easily. It's the one with the Hanson posters on the inside AND outside.

69. You convinced the school to let you have the locker with the combination either 10-22-85, 3-14-83, or 11-17-80.

70. You are known throughout the school as a Hanson freak.

71. You signed your friend Amy's yearbook ''See you in September''.

72. Worse yet, you signed Jamie's "You've been a great friend to me".

73. Your friends are tired of listening to you sing MMMbop.

74. You bought a neon green toothbrush, wrote ZAC on it, and convinced yourself it was his.

75. You are positive Madeline and Lucy are fictional.

76. Your convinced Thinking of You is sung to you.

77. You name your pet dog Wickett.

78. You rollerblade, play soccer, and play basketball ALOT more than you used to.

79. You refuse to change in your room because of all the posters.

80. At school dances you keep requesting Look At You and look like a total queer trying to act like the girl in the song.

81. You sing Thinking of You to your posters.

82. You convince your boyfriend to change his name to either Zac, Taylor, or Isaac.

83. You can recognize any word with their names in it. Example: sTAY, lIKE, and proZAC.

84. You got detention for beating up a boy who made fun of Hanson.

85. When people say you look like Hanson, you celebrate.

86. You have painted the remaining space on your walls shades of blue, red, and green.

87. You plant a flower to see if it's a daisy or a rose.

88. If you are described as weird, you jump for joy for being place int he same position as Hanson.

89. You have taped all their videos and watched them over 200 times.

90. You sing Weird underwater.

91. Even though Hanson has refused your marriage proposal, you keep trying again and again.

92. Hanson is so sick of your fan mail that they just write thank you on the envelope and put RETURN TO SENDER.

93. You call yourself ______ Hanson.

94. You already have you and your fave Hanson's wedding planned out.

95. Even worse, you have your kids' names picked out.

96. You buy black and maroon addidas shirts.

97. You listen to I Will Come to You every night because you claim it gives you sweet dreams. (I have tried this and it works!)

98. You gave away all your clothes that didn't have Hanson on it or resemble their clothing.

99. You are tempted to commit suicide when you lose your Hanson CD as punishment.

100. You were arrested becasue Taylor thought you were stalking him.

101. You want clear braces.

102. You ask your parents every day if they got a job in Tulsa.

103. For Christmas you buy Hanson wrapping paper.

104. You made a Hanson swimsuit.

105. You stand outside pickett fences.

106. You call your younger siblings Jessi, Avery, Mackie, and Zoe.

107. You bought all the boxes of Eggo waffles and Kelloggs pop-tarts.

108. You answer the form letters you get from them.

109. When you answer the phone you say, "If this is one of my friends, Hanson rules! If this is Hanson, I love you! If this is someone else, I'm not crazy. How may I help you?"

110. You keep planting to find out what grows.

111. You are proud of the gap in your two front teeth.

112. You send Zac more songs to sing.

113. You eat waffles off of a drumstick.

114. You are obsessed with the private property signs in their yard (I am!).

115. You actually care what kind of shampoo they use.

116. You listen to Snowed In while swimming. (From Lindsey)

117. You accidently step on a Zac poster, so you call 911 and say Zac might have a concussion. (From Lindsey)

118. You bruise yourself so you have certain blends of blue, red, and green on you.

119. You paint yourself red cause Tay says red makes everything beautiful. (From Lindsey)

120. On May 6th you wish everybody you see a Happy Hanson Day. (From Sophia)

121. Instead of smiley faces you use this: (-(-\)\)

122. Everyone at school calls you either MMMbop or Hanson lover. (This is very true for me!) 123. You read this entire list and got bored because you already do all these things.


Hanson 24-7
My Zac Page
For the Hanson in my life
My me homepage
