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Alocasia species

Common names:  Elephant's Ear, Cabeza de Burro, Malanga de Jardin, Malanga 
               Cara de Chivo, Chine Ape, Papao-Apaka, Papao-Atolong, Taro

Description:   Erect perennial with long stemmed, spearhead-shaped leaves.  
               Flowers appear on a greenish stem.
Toxic Part:    The leaves and stems are injurious.
Symptoms:      Chewing of plant part causes a painful burning sensation of                  
               The lips, mouth, tongue, and throat.

Angel Wings (see Caladium bicolor) Caladium bicolor

Common names:  Caladium, Angel Wings, Caladio, Cananga, Capotillo, Couer  
               Saignant, Corazon de Cabrito,  Heart-of-Jesus, Lagrimas de  
               Maria, Mother-in-Law Plant, Paleta de Pintor.
Description:   Showy, variegated, heart-shaped leaves.  Color may vary from 
               White to orange or red depending on species.
Toxic Part:    The whole plant is injurious when ingested.
Symptoms:      Intense irritation of the lips, mouth and throat.

Calla Lily (see Zantedeschia aethiopica)

Candelabra Cactus (see Euphorbia lactea)

Dieffenbachia species

Common Names:  Dumbcane, Camilichigue, Dumb Plant, Mother-in-Law's Tongue 
Description:   Tall, erect plants with large oblong leaves splotched with 
               Ivory markings.
Toxic Part:    Leaf
Symptoms:      Chewing on the leaf produces immediate intense pain followed 
               By swelling of the mouth.

Elephant Ear (see Alocasia species)

Epipremnum aureum

Common Names:  Pothos, Amapalo Amarillo, Devil's Ivy, Golden Ceylon Creeper, 
               Golden Hunter's Robe, Golden Pothos, Hunter's Robe, Ivy Arum, 
               Malanga Trepadora, Solomon Island Ivy, Taro Vine, Variegated 
Description:   Climbing vine with large heart-shaped leaves that are usually 
               streaked with yellow. 
Toxic Part:    The whole plant is injurious.
Symptoms:      Causes diarrhea upon ingestion. Also causes dermatitis when 
               touched.  Causes burning sensation in mouth when eaten.

Euphorbia species

E. lactea

Common Names:  Candelabra Cactus
Description:   Many-branched succulent, spiny shrub or tree with milky sap      
               and wing-like spiny ridges.
Toxic Parts:   Leaves, stems, and milky sap.
Symptoms:      When ingested, causes severe irritation of the mouth, throat, 
               and skin; temporary blindness; vomiting; diarrhea; and stomach 

E. marginata

Common Names:  Snow-on-the-Mountain
Description:   Tall annual herb with milky juice, growing up to 3 feet in 
               height.  Leaves are lance shaped and smooth, bordered by 
               conspicuous white margins.  Flowers are bordered with a whorl 
               of white petal-like leaves. Fruit is 3-celled 3-lobed capsule.
Toxic Parts:   Leaves, stems, and milky sap.
Symptoms:      When touched, causes blistering of the skin.  When ingested, 
               Causes severe irritation of the mouth, throat, and stomach; 
               nausea; abdominal pain; fainting; and diarrhea.

E. pulcherrima

Common Names: Poinsettia, Christmas Flower, Christmas Star, Easter Flower.

Description:   Large green stem leaves and smaller but showy red, pink, or 
               Yellow leaves surrounding the flowers. Fruit is a 3-celled, 3-
               Lobed capsule.
Toxic Parts:   Leaves, stems, and milky sap.
Symptoms:      When touched, causes irritant dermatitis.  If ingested, may   
               Cause gastritis.

Jerusalem Cherry (see Solanum seudocapsicum)

Mother-in-Law-Plant (see Caladium bicolor)

Orchid (see Cypripedium species)

Poinsettia (see Euphorbia pulcherrima)

Philodendron species

Common Names:  Philodendron
Description:   Climbing vines with aerial roots. Leaves large and variable, 
               the most common being heart-shaped.
Toxic Part:    Leaves
Symptoms:      When ingested, causes painful burning of the lips, mouth, 
               tongue, and throat.  Contact dermatitis is common.

Solanum pseudocapsicum

Common Names:  Jerusalem Cherry, Coral
Description:   Mostly herbs or shrubs.  Are often spiny, hairy, or have 
               stinging hairs.  Berries are black, orange, yellow, or red.
Toxic Part:    Entire plant, especially the berries.
Symptoms:      When ingested, causes gastric irritation, scratchy feeling in 
               the throat, fever, and diarrhea.

Zantedeschia aethiopica

Common Names:  Calla, Calla Lily, Lirio Cala.
Description:   Smooth-edged arrowhead-shaped leaves which grow on long 
               stalks. Flower may be white or green.
Toxic Part:    Leaves are injurious.
Symptoms:      When ingested, causes intense burning of the lips and mouth. 
               Also direct irritant dermatitis.