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MSAM Page 2

This is the page that is going to house all of my gifts and awards from other members of MSAM. I hope that you will like looking at them as much as I have. Thanks to each and everyone of you for these beautiful gifts.

This graphic and the one on the previous page were created for me by my Welcoming Committee Chair Sister, Carmen. Thank you Carmen for such a beautiful graphic.

I also want to take a moment to thank Sister Glenda for teaching me how to do these wonderful tables that I have been seeing on the Internet. It took me awhile, but I finally figured it out.

Once again, I hope that you will take a moment to check this ring out. You can either click on the top image or CLICK HERE.

This BEAUTIFUL award was given to me by a very dear friend of mine. Sharon has ALWAYS been there for me when I needed a friend and a confidant, and I don't know what I would do without her in my life. I love you Sharon, thanks.
You can visit Sharon's site by clicking HERE

This one is from my beautiful daughter Ginni. Thank you darling, I love you.


These beautiful Redheads were presented to me by Sister Glenda. I love them Sis, thank you so much. Glenda is known to all affectionally as "The Good Witch".. But don't get HER redheaded temper in an uproar!!! LOL j/k Sis. Us Redhead's don't have tempers do we.

Lookie at Bernice has given to me!! Thank you so much, I love it.

I got these by participating in the MSAM 2001 online Easter egg hunt.
