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Personal Information

page updated Nov. 20, 2000

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This picture was taken as a gift for my husband for Valentines Day 1997. I haven't changed much except that my hair has a lot more gray in it now!!

My name is Mickie Sue and I have been married to a wonderful man by the name of Mike for 19 years now. We live in a small town in North Western Oklahoma where I am a nurse and he is a plumber. We enjoy playing golf together when we can. We've only been playing for a couple of years, so we both are still learning. He likes to go camping and fishing with me if we have a travel trailer available (*She says laughing*), otherwise I go by myself.

We have two wonderful girls (one's mine from a previous marriage), Dian and Ginni. Both of the girls are mothers now themselves.(*mom crys softly*)Can't hardly believe it.

This is my family. Aren't they able to work miracles with makeup these days??? LOL, this is the real me without the makeup and the frills.... Please don't scream too loud. I just don't do pictures well...

This is a picture of my oldest daughter, Dian, and her hubby, Joe. They are the parents of our beautiful grandkids.

These are pictures of Dian's kids.

Joseph Michael @ 3 months
ShyAnne Alexis Virginia @ 17 months
They are 4 and 3 years old here.

Here's Dian and Ginni together in one of Ginni's Sr. pictures. These were taken after her senior year started. You'll read why later.

Aren't they just the cutest kids that you ever did see!!!! Of course they are.. The babies call me "Grammy". The kids live 100 miles from us so we don't get to see them very often (Boo-Hoo)

I have an adopted granddaughter now.. From the internet... Her name is Brittany. I met her mom online, and now she calls me Momma Mickie. I'm so tickled!! Thanks Brenda. You can meet my new "kids by clicking HERE.

On March 5, 1998, our lives were forever changed. Our youngest daughter, Ginni (many of you know her as Ashlynnmarie online) and a girlfriend, left our house at 8:00 o'clock p.m. to go out for the evening. It was the first night of her spring break from school. At 8:30 p.m., they had a near fatal car wreck. I just hated to "GET THE KNOCK" that we got from some of her friends. Gin took her eyes off the road for just a second, (taking the wheel with her as she did). They ran off the right side of the road of which they were traveling southbound. Before Gin could regain control of the car the left front wheel hit a concrete culvert in the bar ditch which swung them around backwards trunk first into the ditch, then they rolled side-over-side 2 1/2 times, and traveled 50 feet. The car came to rest on it's top.

Ginni was pinned in the car hanging upside down for 45 minutes. The other girl was not wearing a seat belt and was ejected from the vehicle. She, the other girl, had only minor injuries. Ginni on the other hand, busted out the drivers side window with the left side of her face! This is a picture of her car.

Mike and I were at the scene before they got her out of the car. I must tell you that with all my years of experience as a nurse, an EMT, and serving my country during Desert Storm, did nothing to prepare me for what I saw that night when the finally got her out of the car. I stopped being a medical professional and was ONLY A MOTHER.

I still thank God to this day that Maria Neese was there to help me at the scene. Without her I could not have done it.... THANK YOU MARIA.

Everyone in the town was so wonderful to us during and after our daughters wreck, I can not BEGIN to name everyone that has done things for us. If I were to try, I'd probably leave someone out & then I'd hurt that person(s) feelings, and I'm not about to do that. (I hope)

To make a long story short, Ginni is doing fine these days, she has had a total of 5 facial surgeries so far, and there is still more to come. She was accepted to the Shriner's Hospital for Children in Shreveport, LA, for the orthopedic problems with her knee (Thank goodness), so we also make trips there. The next one is Oct. 6, 1998, then we'll find out if she still has to have knee surgery.


We go back to Shreveport again Jan. 5th. She is improving every day. So far, she isn't going to have to have surgery. Keep those prayers coming... Thanks a bunch...


All came out just fine in Shreveport. She has some marked improvement, so no surgery is needed at this time. We are so very thankful. Shriner's Hospital is going to keep an eye on her progress until she turns 21. We go back again on June 29th.

She is the braveist human that I know. You can read more on Ginni on the page that I have dedicated to her by clicking here.

The next picture is of her and her best friend at her Junior Prom April 25, 1998. Ginni sat a goal for herself to attend this event, and she met that goal.

I'm sorry that this pic didn't scan very well, but believe me, she is BEAUTIFUL....


So much has happened since I last posted an update on my baby girl... Today's date is February 20, 2000. Ginni has not had any more facial surgeries, and has not needed a knee surgery. The hospital in Shreveport released her. Ginni was MARRIED to a wonderful guy on February 11, 2000. :-) & :-(..... *G* I can't believe that baby girl is all grown up and starting a family of her own. Rusty (her husband) constantly tells her that he doesn't even notice the scar on her beautiful face. He is so very good for her. They make a beautiful couple too.
Here's a picture of Ginni's baby and me. His name is Alfred Russell the 4th. Of course I'm not putting last names on here. Gin calls him "Ty" for short cause of his dad and grandpa's name is Rusty......

Now I want to show you some more of my family.PHOTO ALBUM HERE

This link was created for my mother, God rest her soul. She left this earth on April 30, 1979. See a picture of her and read her story HERE

Time to go somewhere else now

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