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My Awards Page 3

I am a very lucky lady!!!! I get to add another Awards Page. I can't believe it either. Thank you very much.

These both came from my very good friend, Jeanne. Won't you visit her page located here?

I'm sorry, I only have an email addy for this one right now. I will stay on this


I've received these awards for being Mom of the Week for the week of Sept. 5, 1998 from Moms on the Web. I am sad to say that our webring "Moms On The Web", no longer exists.

I am very honored to have received these awards. This group of women are absolutely the greatest. They have taught me many things during my time with them. Thank you ladies for giving me this honor...

I've just today (09/097/98) won this award. Thank you Ravi for this wonderful award.


Thank you for this beautiful award.

I just received this one today. Thank you so very much Colleen. I hope you'll visit my other sites too.

A very dear friend of mine gave me this award today (2/27/99). I am so lucky to have her as my Sister by Choice. Diane, thank you so much.

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