Level Codes For Warcraft II
LEVEL CODES:Tides Of Darkness.
Ambush at Tarren Mill; MBSHTM
Southshore; HSTHSH
Attack on Zul'Dare; TTCKNZ
Tol Barad; HTLBRD
Dun Algaz; DNLGZ
Grim Batol; GRMBTL
Tyr's Hand; TYRHND
The Battle at Darrowmere; BTTLTD
The Prisoners; PRSNRS
The Betrayal + Destruction of Alterac; BTRYLN
The Battle At Crestfall; BTTLTC
Assault on Blackrock Spire; SSLTNB
The Great Portal; GRTPRT
Raid at Hillsbrad; RDTHLL
Southshore; RCSTHS
Assault on Hillsbrad; SSLTNH
Tol Barad; RCTLBR
The Badlands; BDLNDS
The Fall of Stromgarde; FLLFST
The Runestone at Caer Darrow; RNSTNT
The Razing of Tyr's Hand; RZNGFT
The Destruction of Stratholme; DSTRCT
The Dead Rise as Quel'Thalas Falls; DDRSSQ
The Tomb of Sargeras; TMBFSR
The Siege of Dalaran; SGFDLR
The Fall of Lordaeron; FLLFLR
Beyond The Dark Portal
Alleria's Journey;
The Battle for Nethergarde; BTTLFR
Once More int The Breach; NCMRNT
Beyond The Dark Portal; BYNDTH
Te Shadows Seas; SHDWSS
The Fall of Auchindoun; FLLFCH
Deathwing; DTHWNG
Coast of Bones; CSTFBN
Heart of Evil; HRTFVL
The Battle of Hellfire; BTTLFH
Dance of the Laughing Skull; DNCFTH
The Bitter Taste of Victory; BTTRTS
Sayer of the Shadowmoon;
The Skull of Gul'dan; SKLLFG
Thunderlord and Bonechewer; THNDRL
The Rift Awakened; RFTWKN
Dragons of Blackrock Spire; DRGNSF
New Stormwind; NWSTRM
The Seas of Azeroth; SSFZRT
Assult on Kul Tiras; SSLTNK
The Tomb Of Sargeras; DPTMBF
Alterac; LTRC
The Eye of Dalaran; YFDLRN
The Dark Portal; DPDRKP
Email: morglum@btinternet.com