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PlayStation Cheats X - Z

For all of the cheats on this page, the following applies:

L=LEFT, R=RIGHT, U=UP, D=DOWN, O=CIRCLE, X=CROSS, T=TRIANGLE, S=SQUARE, AND L1,L2,R1,R2 = THE SHOULDER PADS, Start and Select are Sart and select (strange that really isn't it?).

X-Men: Children Of The Atom:

Quick continue: Hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press Start when continuing to keep the same characters.
Fight as Akuma: Enter the character selection screen. Highlight Spiral and wait three seconds. Then, highlight the following characters in order: Silver Samurai, Psylocke, Colossus, Iceman, Colossus, Cyclops, Wolverine, and Omega Red. Then, highlight Silver Samurai, wait three seconds and press LK + HK + HP. Akuma will appear in place of Silver Samurai to confirm correct code entry.

Level Codes:
Level 2: S, T, X, O, T, S, O, X.
Level 3: S, X, O, T, T, S, X, O.
Level 4: S, T, X, O, O, T, X, O.
Level 5: X, O, S, X, T, S, X, O.
Level 6: S, O, T, X, O, X, S, O.
Level 7: X, O, S, X, T, T, X, O.
Level 8: X, X, O, T, X, O, S, X.
Level 9: O, X, O, S, X, O, S, O.
Level 10: O, T, O, O, S, T, X, O.
Level 11: X, S, O, X, X, S, S, O.
Level 12: X, X, O, X, O, X, S, O.
Level 13: O, T, X, O, T, S, X, O.
Level 14: S, T, X, O, T, X, C, S.
Level 15: S, T, X, O, S, T, X, O.
Level 16: O, X, O, S, S, X, S, X.
Level 17: O, S, T, X, T, X, O, S.
Level 18: S, O, S, X, X, O, O, T.
Level 19: X, O, X, O, T, T, X, O.
Level 20: T, T, X, O, T, T, X, O


Playstation cheats (under construction)

Playstation cheats (original)

N64 cheats
