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Mutt's Gallery Archive (May 1998)

Mutt says "sit", "wait", and "look"!

Christmas 1997 at the Mutt Palace.
Christmas 1997 at the Mutt Palace.
Jemima's not so sure about Catbert, but Appro loves his new pingpong balls.

Mutt gets his Cert Arts!!! Mutt gets his Cert Arts!!!
Mutt gets his Cert Arts!!!

On holiday in the Marlbourough Sounds (Mar 98)
On holiday in the Marlbourough Sounds (Mar 98)

Mutt with some of the Karori Pack overlooking the suburb
Mutt with some of the Karori Pack overlooking the suburb

Glen and Shona's Wedding (Mar 98)
Glen and Shona's Wedding (Mar 98)
Glen is Christine's cousin.

Racing with Mutt, Zena, and the Youth Group
Mutt, Zena, and the "boy racers" in the Youth Group.