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Some Mutt's live in Kennels, this one lives in a Palace...

Archive 1: 9 April 1998 through 8 October 1998.

This page is to show you how we are going on renovating the house. There are before and after piccies, click on the small image for the full sized one. The most recent notes are at the top.

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Christine & Alaine airing the new rug 8 October, 1998: We've had lots of people around to quote on things... the house painter, two landscape designers, and the PMPMTDTC builder. We are really enjoying the deck, and BBQ there every night! Luckily the BBQ sits in a little sheltered spot. We bought a painting for the lounge, 14 chairs at auction for the various tables, and a large rug for the "snug" area. The lounge and sunroom are almost looking finished?

The curtains in the sunroom are complete! 22 September, 1998: We've finished painting the lounge and we have hung the other lights from the ceiling there. The blinds are finally finished in the sunroom. The builder came to price the further work, but haven't heard back from him yet. We moved the BBQ onto the deck and have started the BBQ season in style!

Finished the architrave in the hall New bathroom window 1 September, 1998: More progress, Mutt makes use of his new compound mitre saw and finishes off the sills and architraving in the Study and bedroom. Mutt calls up PMPMTBTC builder and he will come around next week to price the next stage of work, Phase Ia which is tidying up the entrance. We put some glass in the bathroom window, but J.K. didn't notice obviously - she tried to jump through it last night. Oh yeah, and we painted the bathroom ceiling.

28 August, 1998: Not much to report really... there is still lots to do... especially painting.... But we are now arranging PMPMTDTC Builder to do some more work tidying some things up. We need to get a landscape plan done so that we can finish the front of the house off. There are still a few leaks we need to fix too. Ughhh.

Appro & Jemima enjoying the deckThe curtains and new paint on walls 10 August 1998: Well the builder appears to have finished the deck while we were away, and it looks great! And the Spotlight curtains have arrived. Look ok to me, still this was the second attempt! They make the lounge look so different, and we've half painted the lounge in the new "warmer" colour.

A great view of the new balustrade The view from the road The view from the drive The final weatherboarding (yay) and view.

21 July 1998: Builder is making slow progress on the deck, but a good quality job. No handrails yet, but we collected one of the 2nd-try blinds from Spotlight. Almost fits the window, so that will have to do.

We had a great day in the sun. 18 July 1998: We've had a great day enjoying the sunshine on the deck. When is winter going to arrive? No sign of the curtains: apparently the curtain man has been hospitalised and wont be working for a month. Spotlight have no idea how they are going to do anything without him, so no curtains in the foreseeable future. Is this just bad luck?

Daring Christine checking out the view Solid looking bearers at least! We enjoyed the Wellington Sun sans railings Beginning the final weatherboarding...

17 July 1998: Deck builder man has done an outstanding job, everything looks great. The downside is that he doesn't like working in the rain so we havn't seen him for a few days! Currently the planking is down, but no handrails.

11 July 1998: Well the garage people made a fair effort at the backfill so we paid up and the garage is ours! Yayyayaay. Spotlight tried to install more curtains but got them all wrong, still them turning up gave us a chance to give them back the other ones that didn't fit. And the PMPMTDTC Builder has been working on the deck! Yay! looks great. No decking boards yet so Mutt is forced to trot along the beams.

26 June 1998: Deck Builder is getting materials delivered Monday, so should be some progress soon. Garage is almost finished; we differed with IDEAL man on how much backfilling is required, he'll have to do better than that!

17 June 1998: Yyayayay! GooseMan does his thing and now the garage is fully operational with auto door, sEnsor lights, interior lighting... the works! Progress seems to have stopped on the plumbing/drainlaying though. Mutt is hoping for a July 1 completion date.

Just need backfill now 13 June 1998: The Garage continues on its slow march to completion. Gooseman never turned up, nor did the deck builder or that block man, but the drain man did the stormwater drains. Massive diameter drains, must be designed for Auckland weather.

7 June 1998: Not much progress to report... Havn't heard back from PMPMTDTC builder, but they should start this week.... They have fitted the motor to the garage door, but that's not much good until the GooseMan comes to do the electrics. Yeah he is "Keith Goose". Up to 18 shots on the MuttCamera now, so expect some more Palace shots soon.

Garage almost complete 3 June 1998: We've signed up with "pick me pick me tumble down the cliff" builder so he will start building the deck next week. I wonder if the beer driniking tiler still works for him? They put the big garage door on, and Jemima Kitten spent the night in the garage after getting shut in there by mistake.

New lights in the lounge 1 June 1998: Still no word from the builder, but Mutt and Pristine have been busy fitting some new hanging lights in the lounge. And the colour man came around to recommend colours for the lounge, hallway and master bedroom - some great choices!

Garage progress viewed from the road Mini and Falcon in their new home 29 May 1998: Yayyayyay. The builder has finished cladding the garage, and we parked the mini in the garage for the first time! We were supposed to hear back from the "pick me" builder today but no call yet.

28 May 1998: The builder has almost finished the cladding. Weather has been rain and cold, we expect to find him frozen to a wall when we come home. No sign of the blocklayer returning, he took our cash and ran.

26 May 1998: The roof is on the garage, but that seems to be where work has stopped. The cladding was supposed to have arrived on Friday, but still no sign of it and the builders have scampered. We order the last lot of curtains today.

View from stairs of Garage being built View from driveway of Garage being built View from downstairs bedroom of Garage being built View from road of Garage being built Jemima checks the workmanship

Master Bedroom After Master Bedroom After Master Bedroom Before 24 May 1998: Wow, so much has happened! The garage is really taking shape now, the framing and the roof are up. The door and windows have gone into the upstairs bedroom, and the builder has come around to prepare his quote for the deck. We get his price next week, here's hoping....

17 May 1998: Yyayyayay, the curtains are up. They look great!

15 May 1998: The first lot of curtains have been finished!! Oh yeah and the door people are (supposed to be) coming on Tuesday.

13 May 1998: Well I talked to the block man about him finishing off that block. "I'll do it" he said, hmmm but he wasn't so specific on the timeframe. One of the builders called up: "I am short of work, pick me, pick me!". So Mutt will get him around to revise his quote for the deck. Good news is that he want s to start ASAP! Yayayayay. Still he is the only person to fall off the palace cliff, so maybe he isn't so good a choice? No sign of the door people. Maybe next week. Oh yeah and the curtains should be ready this weekend, well the first lot anyway... they sort of mucked up the rest.

7 May 1998: They came to put concrete in the walls of the garage today. Damn, Mutt missed seeing the concrete truck here again. Nothing makes it feel like real renovation like having a concrete truck there! And the curtain lady is still ignoring us. And the block layer has left one brick out of the wall - does he think we won't notice, I see a phone call to him coming up! Gas heating is holding steady at 19 degrees!! Yayayayayayayayy!

5 May 1998: The door man finally called back to say that they were progressing our work to get the new doors and windows off the master bedroom onto the future deck. Should happen within a fortnight or so?? And no word on the curtains. Spotlight are useless. They should stick to selling fabric. Oh, and the garage hasn't progressed for a week or so, at least the blockman finally worked out which way North was on the plan. D'oh.

30 April 1998: Well, they poured the slab, and it rained and rained and rained, but the slab seems to have survived. The block man is there doing the wall, the wall will be a little taller than planned - he read the plan the wrong way around and put the 2m wall where the 1.4m wall is supposed to be. D'oh. oh yeah, and I think we have ordered the curtains now.

24 April 1998: Well, the garage people have been at it for the last few days. The floor slab is ready to be poured. That was supposed to be today but no sign of the concrete truck. It rained last night so I guess they need to clear out the water before they can pour? Oh yeah and curtain lady is now avoiding us. We changed our minds on whether to use a track or a rod, and why shouldn't we, we are no further forward than before when we first ordered!

20 April 1998: Things are moving along at last. The gas is all on, and we can now heat the place. Pity we dont have any curtains to keep the heat in, but that is a long story. We dont expect curtains now for another 6 weeks or so! Let's hope for another mild Wellington winter! The sunroom is just about finished now, just a few finishing touches to the yellow. They started the garage! Unfortunately they just dug some big holes and left! The holes are now full of water? Will that be a problem??

15 April 1998: Okokokokokok, we've finally made some progress! The gasman has finished installing the heaters! So no more cold nights at the Palace. The sunroom is 98% painted in its new Bechamel, that was after having to repaint it because the paintshop tinted the wrong colour. ughghh. The garage man has promised to start work tomorrow, so here's hoping...

11 April 1998: Yayyaay, we painted the first coat of "Bechamel Yellow" in the sun room. Now the room is brighter than the sun! We're just starting the second coat now, we'll paint the ceiling white in order to try and cut down the yellow.

9 April 1998: Okokok, the gas man has been a few times in the last week but of course is running behind schedule. At least we now have one gas heater in the house working this is the one downstairs, yayaayy, it has been a long time coming.

Getting rid of all the pre-building junk!!!

In preparation for the latest round of renovations, Mutt and Pristine cram much of the previous owners rubbish into the Mutt Falcon avec trailer.

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