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The Teaching's of Zareth-Teaching #2 PART 2

Teaching #2 - Page 2

Always consider this - to reach us is not always easy, and not everyone can do it, for not all are psychic, but some have a latent gift, and that will remain that way always, and the trouble is that some with a little gift think that they are mediums, and they delude people, and will tell stories, anything. Some are before the people before they are ready. A spirit who is bright will not use a medium until that medium is ready. We could have used our maiden years ago, but the conditions were not right, the area was not right. It was meant to happen here, and here it happened when it was possible. But we have been influencing her for many years. So always seek out those who are spiritual and steadfast, and whom you know are this way, not those who are greedy. I know people have to live, and need to have food and shelter. But people do not need fortunes in this area, and when you serve the Father you will always have enough. I tell you, you will always be served in return. When the need is there you will receive it. So always use your reasoning. Do not become too acquainted with these toys, they are only ways to get you into trouble. If you want knowledge, seek out those who are worthy of your desire. You know those in the spirit world who are your friends and your loved ones, when they come back to you they will not give you great wisdom or great knowledge. They are the people they always were, and they will give you mundane thoughts. They will be rather shy at first and not be able to find the words. If they were talkative people, they will talk. If they were shy it will be difficult for them for some have to be pushed rather hard. Some are rather easy. Remember they will be as they always were. Do not expect great teachings, do not expect words of wisdom from all spirits, they have not got it. Why do we have to teach them?

Think on these things. Think of yourselves, think of your loved ones. When you go to a medium do not expect too much. People have great expectancy when they go to a medium and they want fortunes told, will I be this, do that, and what shall I do? Often these questions are there for you to solve yourself. How are you ever going to learn if you do not struggle? Of course, we will help you. Sometimes we are asked questions and we cannot give a direct answer, and when we approach the guide, “So-and-so wants an answer to a question .....................”, we have to be very careful, and the guides have to be very careful, because if that person is going through a test, we cannot tell them. So we give a little hint, point them in the right direction, but do not do it for them. We do not give direct help too often, because often we should not, but if it is imperative we will, of course.

Now many times we have been asked many questions about the people themselves, what you have been before in your past lives, and why you are here, and do the past lives show an indication of this, and what is the life lesson?

Now in the leaflet you have just received, we told the baby his life lesson, which was to find serenity. Many people have to find serenity. That is the lesson of your life, everything that you will encounter in life will help you to find serenity. Sometimes it takes practically all the life, and people do not become serene even if it is the lesson. They still worry, still let troubles enfold them, devour them. Sometimes what you are enduring in this life does not stem from the life before, but perhaps the third or fourth life behind you. That life has been so terrible so that each life thereafter has been spent in repayment. It is different with every person. We do find it difficult to answer all questions, because when we want to find a life we have to ask the guardian, because he know you through and through; we have not the time to go around and delve into these questions, and so we ask the guardian, who enlightens us in due course. Then you see what it is you have to learn.

Do not think that your life on earth is too hard for you. Those who gave it to you discussed it with you before you were born, many times. “Now be very careful,” you are told. It will be very heavy if some choose too much. Some say, “We will be able to do it, we know we will!” They are advised to break it up into two lives or three, because it will be very heavy. They think they can do it, because life seems so short from our view. But when you live it, you forget this, and life can be so difficult, and you have not listened to us and go ahead.

Zareth answered another question,

“Yes, indeed! When I talk to you about my past life which was over three thousand years ago, that was my last one. But I had many beyond that. When you think of your world, it is much older than you realize, but there were not many civilizations upon it. There have been civilizations that have risen and fallen, but you know of them because evidence has been found.

I can only recount what I have encountered in my own lives. What I have experienced does not show me what others have encountered, because I have told you that I did not come up the normal way, through the mud, through evolution. A bright being spawned me, so to speak. So I cannot say how many civilizations there have been in antiquity, but I do know from what I have been taught in the spirit realms since I arrived there, and as we go forward we are taught much. I do know of those civilizations that have been on the world way back to early man, when he was emerging from the baboon, shall we say, I know from that point. But I know of the Babylonian, the Ancient Egyptians and those people. They were evolved to a certain point. They had metaphysical knowledge. But I do not know of others, back in time before man evolved, that were greater. That is what I have been taught.

The earth is very old indeed, but there was no-one upon it for millions of years. It took a long time for evolution to bring man to the point where he is today. But if it will help you, I will enquire from those who are beyond myself.

My first life on earth was so far away that I cannot place it in time. I was a primitive being in Asia. I could not see of my own accord, I had to find a seer. We have them in the spirit world, those who were psychic. He can only show scenes. It was so far back in time that we were unaware of place or time, as we were so primitive. There was no such thing as history. I cannot look back in time and see everything; I can see back a certain way, but it takes someone who has greater knowledge than myself to show me back into antiquity.

In my first life I was very primitive. I have begun my book, and I begin with that. I did not say much about that life, because I did not see much there except difficulty. The difficulty was in simply living, and finding food, in existing. That was like the animals.”

Another question,

“There is another planet we know, which is lower than this planet. Now I have spoken to you about evolution. This is a place where evolution changes, and where that process takes place. Then from that planet can be born into this planet in those areas where man is very primitive. On this planet now, he is getting scarce too. This is causing problems. There are other planets in the universe that are uninhabited. But they are not as you are. We are not concerned with them, because they have their own spirit world, they have their own life as you have yours. You have your own life and your own spirit world, which is vast indeed. They have theirs and they are different in form. It is all part of evolution, in many forms.

You have never been there, brother. You have taken part in the earthly struggle all your days, from the beginning, and the earth is very old, much older than they have found. Consider my own life - my last was over three thousand years ago, and I had many, back and back in time. I cannot place my lives in time. All I see are scenes of areas that are given to me. My first lives are so far away, nothing much happening at the beginning, except difficulty of living. It is still that way, but more sophisticated. Some of my lives were very primitive, but as man went on he discovered little by little, even clothing, and the earth evolving and changing, man himself evolving and changing. But from the very beginning there were the lessons, and how we behave, what the next life would be.

The first life I was a man, the second a woman. As a woman I did pretty well indeed. When I had to come back I was hopeful because the next life was a great challenge of authority. I was very worried in case the authority would ruin me, that I would succumb to evil. I was fortunate, for I didn’t do too badly. It was my earnest desire that I should not, I prayed deeply before I entered that life, that I would not. That was my third life.

In those days the spirit world was empty too, not many people at all. They had those who were not good, just as they have today,. It has always been the same from the beginning. Now the spirit realms are very crowded, but we have lots and lots of room. Do not fear in that respect, we have plenty of room. My brother, I will do some enquiring for you about those other areas. But we are not concerned on the whole with them. The problems are concerned with in this earth, in our own lives, are problems enough. They have theirs. We think this is plenty to deal with. But I will try, if you give us some time.

I have been sent here as a teacher to help you, to give you the knowledge I have gleaned myself.”

Zareth answered another question in these words,

“Many questions. Now I have spoken about this before in part. Many people do not have thousands and thousands of lives. They may have one hundred or two hundred lives. Everyone does not come back all the time. They spend many years in the spirit world in-between, and there will come a time when you will not return again.

Now if a person like our maiden who was in the spirit world, in a bright place, and asked to return to give her knowledge and help to everyone, and for us to aid her, how when we come from a place like that, and we do not have to come, we take upon ourselves again the struggle of earth, and it may be that we do not return as we came away, because every time we enter we have the challenge. Our maiden could very well have not taken up the challenge and become a different person, and when she returned would not go to such a bright place. But because she has, then because of her daily efforts and her struggles, she will go to a brighter place, and when she dies, if she keeps this way, she will earn a very bright place indeed. Now I am in a very bright place, and those around me too, yet I have not seen the Father, but I do know the Nazarene, whom you call the Christ. He is still working for the Father, but in the spirit realms. There are many in his area, in his plane, like himself, many in my area like myself, many in all areas, many above the Nazarene, and above that, and above, yet even they have not see the Farther. But all of us are working for the Father in some way, the higher aiding those who are lower. It goes down like a ladder, help descending down to us. Those who are here, are chosen for the work. We too are earning, I too am growing. When I go back, I am nearer the Father, but not with Him. But it is true what you say, if you are a servant coming from the light, you are usually hurt by others, not always crucified, but by the method of time. Today it is different. The Nazarene was insulted by people who did not understand him. The same for our maiden, she has had much hardship through others who do not understand. All servants of the Father, who come in light, find life more difficult than the ordinary person, because those whom we choose as servants, we try well to see if they are worthy, and remain worthy, because the life of a servant upon this earth is difficult, they have to take upon their shoulders much sorrow, the sorrow of all their brethren, their difficulties, and they have to be selfless, and give themselves constantly, without moaning and groaning to live, and not all can do it, and some succumb to the earthly pull. This is why so many, though they have been good when they come, they fail a bit more. That is why the coming and going.

All your suffering brings you closer to the Father. The suffering that people endure, if they face it with serenity as much as possible, and do not become embittered, then they take leaps forward. No matter what comes to you, if it is difficult and if you can endure it, when you get there you will see that indeed you did get through and that you are in a greater light, and that you were able to rise above the challenge which you took upon yourself, and then indeed you are reaching out closer and closer to the Father. By our every good thought and action we are getting closer to the Father, but the little steps backward, we will get them in life. Do not be too bothered by them, but resolve to take more steps forward, then you will do well indeed.”

I thank you for your help in asking questions.

I look forward to our last meeting next time. I will leave you and go to our realms of beauty. I wish I could explain it to you, but you would not understand. I think that this time I will approach the Nazarene; he is a beloved brother of mine. I will talk with him, and will say, “My brethren on earth are very concerned with your life on earth, I would that you would give it to me in its truth, its entirety.” He will reply, I am sure, “They will not believe anyway.” But I will say, “Please try us, because we are a group who would like to learn.” Are we not? Yes! Because you know many are the stories told about him. They are not all true. He came to teach love, to teach that God the Father was not an ogre, that God was not in the image of man, but was perfection, and he was His servant as we all are servants when we help our brothers. See yourselves as servants of the Father. Do not see yourselves as ordinary people doing nothing, because you are not. You are each one of you servants of the Father, because I know you do little kind acts all the time. So you are servants of the Father, so do not demean yourselves. So as servants of the Father we are marching forward bringing light to this world, illuminating it.

My brethren, we love you dearly. You cannot measure our love. One day you will see us all, and know how much. As the power descends upon you, see yourselves as radiant beings treading the earth in the footsteps of the Nazarene bringing love. You can all follow his example, and the example of all who serve selflessly. For no matter who it is, if they serve with love, they too are true servants, and are well beloved of the Father.

The Father loves each one of you. He has given you life, life everlasting, life unto all eternity, life that is radiant, that is true life, when knowledge can be yours. Knowledge that you cannot envisage can be yours one day. The Father is wonderful.

We adore Thee. Thy servants adore Thee.


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