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Theme Song

(Cherrie Bloosoms are flying in the air. Baby Holly is sitting in her crib. When she sees a vision of the soon to be Eternal Sailor Moon.)
Sailor Moon-"I'm the one that wraps everything. I'm the senshi born from everyone's love, Eternal."
(Holly starts to laugh when her father picks her up.)
Professor Tomoe-"Hey there little one. What have you been up to? Isn't it beautiful today?"
(Then wind starts to blow and Sussan appears.)
Sussan-"Holly, I've come to pick you up."
(Holly holds out her hands and laughs.)

Title: "[The time has come for the nightmare to be scattered! The Queen of darkness revives.]"

(Serena is standing out in the sun.)
Serena-"Such nice weather." (Then she laughs)(then she yawns.)
(Raye yells from behind her)-"Serena, Hey girl."
Luna-"Where have you been?"
"Hi!" (Serena yells running towrds her friends. She breaks there hands appart. Then they all laugh.)
Lita-"You seem happy today Serena."
Serena-"Happy, thats me. I'm so happy, happy now that I can be with everyone."
(Mina pops up and says)-"I'm glad were all going to be going to the same school."
Mina-"You're gonna take the make-up tests with me, right?"
Serena-"Oh, now we can get low scores together!"
Lita-"But it was tough studying for the high school entrance exams..."
Raye-"Yeah but the testing is all over with."
Luna-"But Rei you didn't have to do any testing."
Serena & Mina-"That's right! No entrance exams, just an "elevator system!"
Raye-"Hey, I feel your pain, too!"
Amy-(Laughs)"Anyway, we've become high school students, so we get more time for ourselves."
(Serena and Mina sigh)
Lita-"And for the first time, we can get a part-time job..."
Mina-"Yeah! I want to join a club and go to Idol star auditions! Become famous!"
Serena-"When I turn 16 I can get married."
Mina-"Yeah, yeah."
(Rini and Darien walk up to the girls.)
Darien-"Hello girls."
(Mina looks up and says)-"Darien why are you and Rini here?"
(Serena runs over to Rini and Diana and says)-"So, you two going somewhere?"
Rini-"Me and Diana are going back home to the future."
(All the girls look at Diana and Rini and go)-"Huh?"

(Neherenia is floating around a bunch of mirrors.)
Neherenia-"Eternal sleep, eternal beauty, forever."
Galaxia-"It's a waist to keep such beauty locked up."
Neherenia-"Who are you?"
Galaxia-"I am the one who will grant all your wishes."
Neherenia-"Grant my wishes?"
Galaxia-"Thats right, I say you should be woken!"
Galaxia-"Yes, wake up!"
(Neherenia gets up and looks around.)
Neherenia-"Huh, What?"

(All the girls and Darien are in the park ready to say goodbye to Rini and Diana.)
Rini-"Everyone Thank You."
Luna-"Diana, Rini safe journey."
Raye-"We will miss you."
Mina-"Goodbye girl. Artemis don't you want to say goodbye?"
(Artemis is crying.)
Diana-"Whats wrong with him?"
Serena-"Rini, will you miss me?"
Darien-"Me to?"
(Rini holds up her time key and says)-"Everyone, Thank you again.
Listen guardian of Time and Space!
Open your celestial gates before me!
I am calling your name, almighty God of time and space, Guardian father Chronos! Please lead me!
Please Protect me!
Open up the sacred paths before me!"

(In her castle)
Neherenia-"Whats that light?"
Galaxia-"Why don't you have a look for yourself."
(Neherenia sees little pictures of all the Sailor Senshi)
Neherenia-"What?!? It can't be! They can't be alive!"
Neherenia-"How can this be? There dead!"
(She remembers the scenes from SuperS)
Galaxia-"They should be dead, and you should be the Queen of the Earth! There is a way you can get rid of them."
Neherenia-"Tell me, now!"
Galaxia-"You can call apone your soul mirror, shatter it, that will make them all pay."
Neherenria-"I can't forgive them!"
(She screams. Neherenia's soul mirror appears.)
Galaxia-"Shatter it, then your revenge will be complete."
Galaxia-"Yes, break the mirror and thousands of shardes will go all over. We will bend them to our will."
Galaxia-"Now all you have to do is break it. Yes, Break It, Break It, Break It!!"
(Neherenia screams and breaks the mirror.)
Galaxia-(laughing)"Good they will all pay now."(laughs.)

Rini-"Goodbye. Huh?"
Raye-"What are they?"
Serena-"There beautiful."
Darien-"Its strang that there's so many."
Amy-"There's to many."
Raye-(To herself)-"I have a bad feeling."
(One of them falls in Dariens eye.)
(Darien says ouch.)
Darien-"I'm fine."
Serena-"Let me see."
Darien-"I'm fine." (His eye glows gold and Serena looks puzzled.)"Something wrong?"
(She dosen't answer him.)
Darien-(He smiles)"Lets say godbye to Rini."
(The beam of lights flicks out.)
(Everyone ran to her.)
Serena-"Rini, what happend?"
Diana-"We can't go home."
Rini-"I don't know what happend."
Mina-"Maybe it was those Stars."
Artimas-"You think so?"
Lita-"Your stuck with us for a while."
Amy-"Thats not so bad, is it?"
(Darien starts to rub his eye.)

(Alex and Michelle are in an aquarium.)
Alex-"There beautiful."
(Michelle looks at her and says)-"You think so?"
Alex-"Oh course, I like everything you do."
Michelle(starts to laugh)-"Idot, you think so?"
(Alex looks puzzled and followed her outside)
Alex-"Look at the sky."
(Michelle looks up)-"Its beautiful."
(Michelle then pulls out her mirror. A image appears but then disappears)-"I felt an evil energy coming close to the moon."
Alex-"They enemy?"
Michelle-"I don't know. It disappeared right away."
Michelle-"Do you think it was the enemy?"
Alex-"Has the Earth's gravity caught so many fragments?"
Michelle-"This is a very mysterious enemy."
Alex-"Michelle, if they can block your mirror, it's not an enemy I want to face."
Alex says, "Don't worry about it just look at the sky. Its beautiful."
(Michelle goes hum.)
Michelle-"It stopped."
(The people around them start to fall over.)
Guy 1-"Ouch!"
Girl 1-"Are you alright!?"
(A peice of glass cut Alex's hand.)
(Michelle looks at Alex's hand)-"Alex."
Alex-"My hand."
Michelle-"Let me see it."
(Michelle kisses Alex's hand and spits a peice of glass into her hanky.)-"Its glass."
Alex-"Drop it!"
(The glass turns into a demon.)
Alex-"It looks like the darkness you saw in your mirror has just been explained."
Michelle-"No, you think?"
Neherenia-"I feel it... the wave of the people of the white moon."
Alex-"Who are you?!"
Neherenia-"I will kill all of you afiliated with the White Moon kingdom. You can'tget away."
Michelle-"I can feel enourmous negative energy."
Neherenia-"Now, go and get them my incarnations. Mirror parody!"
Pluto-"Dead Scream!"
(Monster is dead.)
Alex-"Is it realy you, Sailor Pluto?"
Pluto-"There is a big warp in the time-line."
Alex-"That's Holly isn't it?"
Pluto-"I borrowed her from Proffessor Tomoe."
Pluto-"Its getting close to the time, when we need her power."
(Alex and Michelle pulled out there transformation pens.)
Alex-"I'm ready how about you?"
Michelle-"I'm ready to, lets go."
(Pluto lay Holly in a flower patch.)-"You will be safe here little one, sleep well. Hurry and Transform!"
Alex-"Uranus Planet Power, Make Up!"
Michelle-"Neptune Planet Power, Make Up!"
Uranus-"Whenever theres trouble I here to clean up the mess, I'm Sailor Uranus!"
Neptune-"So am I, I deliver victory to the people, here I am Sailor Neptune."
(They all fight the monsters.)
Neptune-"Theres to many of them!"
Uranus-"We can't give up now!"
(One of the demons pushes her off the building.)
(Uranus is hanging off the building)
Neptune-"I've told you....not to...overheat like that!"
Uranus-(smile)"Save your scobling for bed..."
Pluto-" Holly! You leave her alone! I said Leave her alone! Leave her alone!"
Uranus-"Leave her alone!"
(Holly wakes up and then sign of Saturn appears on her forehead. The demon is dead)
Michelle-"What is this warm energy?"
Sussan-"This is Holly's wave...."
Alex-"I can feel powerful energy coming in."
Sussan-"A new power has....."
Michelle-"....Just been born."
Sussan-"A new power is born."
Uranus-"I don't know hat you are..."
Pluto-"We won't let you regenerate again."
Neptune-"So don't just stand there and watch!"
Uranus-World Shaking!"
Neptune-Deep Submurge!"
Pluto-Dead Scream!"
Neptune-"Is it a new enemy?"
Uranus-"I don't know but if Saturn had to return it must be trouble."
(she turns around)"Wow."
Uranus-But she was just a child!"
Holly-"The time for reform has come."(Long pause)"Shes in danger. The princess."
Neptune-"The Princess?"
Uranus-"Shes in danger?"
Galaxia-"Yes she is."(She begins to laugh.)

"TheWind and the sky."