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Welcome one and all to my mini faq page. A page that will help you get almost all your answers to the questions you have.

How did this whole thing start?
Once a-pone a time there were two girls named Jessica & Trista who was sick of the DIC Sailor Moon dub. One night Jessica and Trista were talking about how DIC messed up the Sailor Moon series, then Jessica said something like this, "We could do it 20 million times better then DIC, we should do a dub." Then Trista said, "Good idea." I didn't know at the time she was serious.

Why Sailor Moon Stars?
Well Sailor Moon Stars is one of our favorite series out of them all, we think everyone should see it, and were going to make sure that happens. =)

Can I audition for a role?
If you want. But only extras and two parts are open. So if you are better send in your auditions fast.

How much do the tapes cost?
The tapes are free. But you do have to pay for shipping & handling fees and 2 or 3 dollars for a tape. So it would cost about 7 or 8 dollars.

Why are you going to use the North American names?
People are used to the English names, they might start getting confussed if they saw the Japanesse names, thats why the names are going to be the North American names. As for the Outer Senshi there names will be:
Sailor Uranus:Alex (Alexandria)Winds
Sailor Neptune:Michelle Waters
Sailor Pluto: Sussan Aurora
Sailor Saturn:Holly Mourir

As for the Starlights, I haven't got names for them yet. If you have any ideas of what there names could be please e-mail. ChibiChibi will still be ChibiChibi, why change it?

When will the first tape be done?
I have no clue. Dubbing with a computer is hard.

Is there going to be anything else on the tape?
Yes there is. =) I'm going to put a song translated into English on each tape and make a music video out of it. Neat, don't you think?

Is this project for fun?
Of course it is. That's 1 of the reasons were doing it, so everyone can have fun!

If you have anymore questions that arn't listed here E-Mail me.
