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Neherenia Arc!
Neherenia Arc Volume 1

In the first episode, Galaxia breaks the seal and awakens Neherenia from her sleep. Neherenia wants revenge on the Sailor Senshi for what they did to her so she called a-pone her soul mirror. Galaxia told her to shatter it, she did, and thousands of peices of glass flew all around Tokyo falling in people's eyes. One them fell in Darien's eye. She's just so cool. Don't you think?

In episode 2, Sailor Saturn from the past re-awakens the child Holly. Holly warns the outer senshi that the princess and her guardians were all in danger. At Raye's temple they were attacked by little demons, Tuxedo Mask came but couldn't do a thing. The Outer Senshi came and a big suprise to the Inners, Saturn was there! (Thank you Arashi for dubbing episodes 2&3 for me.)

In episode 3, Serena and the sesnhi learned who was behind all the weird stuff happening, it was Neherenia. She takes Darien and says "I will take everything you love, Princess of the white moon."

Now that we have all the main characters we can start to dub the Neherenia Arc! But, for episodes 1-3-4 we need extra's. It's not a big part, one or two lines but hey who cares at least you get to be apart of this wonderful project. =)
If you want to be an extra in the dub E-mail me.

A Thank You....

We would not be able to do this fandub without our wonderful, talented voice actors & actresses. I want to thank each and everyone of them.
Thank You all so MUCH!!
If you have some free time why don't you go to there homepages. Click here. I have all there homepages listed.
I would also like to thank Arashi! She gave me scripts to some episodes.
Thank You!!!!
