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This is the clause that frequently causes confusion. Some people make the mistake of assuming that this clause applies to the relationship between the company and its suppliers or subcontractors, when it actually applies to the relationship between the Company and its Clients / Customers.

ISO 9000 defines a contract as :

Agreed requirements between a supplier and customer transmitted by any means

Clause 4.3.1 - General

This clause requires your Company to have written procedures covering Contract review, and for coordination of these activities.

All sales of product and services must be covered by contracts, even if only verbal (e.g. when a customer in a shop buys a newspaper, there is a verbal contract to supply a newspaper at a given price) There must be clear evidence of a review of terms and conditions. (in the case of the newspaper sale, the review is "Do I have the newspaper that the Customer wants?" by the shopkeeper, and the information "That will be xxx cost." is passed to the Customer by the shopkeeper. If the Customer hands the money over, the contract is concluded.

Clause 4.3.2 - Review

Attention should be paid to the following:

Note : VERBAL CONTRACTS Verbal contracts must be agreed before acceptance, implying that some positive confirmation of order requirements must be made. In practice this could be achieved using fax confirmation messages or logging verbal orders and reading or otherwise confirming them back to customers over the phone.

Clause 4.3.3 - Amendment to Contract

Clause 4.3.4 - Records

The standard simply states : Records of Contract Review shall be maintained.

For most industries, this should present no particular problems. However, returning to the newspaper shop example, (above) there are no obvious records. in practice, any good assessment Company would accept that the only valid proof of a contract review in this situation is a cash-register till-roll, and would not press for further records.

[ISO 9001 Explained ]