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PoleCat's second Page
The Thorp Family Picture
Mandy, Tania, Me (Ron), and Kellie

I'm Ronald Thorp
I was born in San Diego California
in June of 1958.

I grew up in Sunland California,
which is the north east part of Los Angeles

My brother and four sisters and me
My Brother, four Sisters and Me in 1969... Laurie, Teresa, Mindy, Kathy, Richard, and Me
Laurie, Teresa, Mindy, Kathy, Richard, and Me (Ron)
(this Photo taken in July 1969)

I graduated from Verdugo Hills High School
in June of 1976.
Verdugo Hills High School
  • (Alumni Page)
    is located in Sunland's sister city "Tujunga"

    Me in 1977, just before entering the USAF

    Later that same year, I got a job at a plateware producing plant, moved out of my parents house, and met my now wife in Glendale California.
  • In Late 1977, I Enlisted into the United States Air Force.
    Me in 1977 during Basic Training
    3 month's later, on the 23rd of February 1978, I married


    Kellie and Me

     This is Kellie

    It's now 1998, I have just retired from the Air Force after completing more then 20 Years.
    Kellie and I have two girls,
    This is Tania This is Maranda

    Tania and Maranda

    This is Kellie, Tania, and Maranda in 1985
    Picture Taken In 1985

    Check out my web pages for more info on My family and myself
    This is Me in April 1998
    Learn about my Family, Experiences, Travels, Life Mission/Vision, Duty Descriptions, Favorite Links, and Favorite E-Mail Addresses by looking at my additional pages.............

    [Main ] - [Family Pictures - 1 ] - [Family Pictures - 2 ] - [Family Pictures - 3 ] - [Family Pictures - 4 ]
    [Links ] - [Decorations ] - [Travels ]
    [Top Ten ] - [Vision ] - [My Resume ]
    [Pictures A ] - [Pictures B ] - [Ron's Pictures B ] - [ISO 9001 Explained ]
    [Pictures Of Maranda ] - [Pictures Of Tania ]

    American Pie - Real Audio - Favorite Song
    American Pie Lyrics

    Email Me at:
    Modified 17 Jan 99
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