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The sport of ringette was invented in 1963 in North Bay, Ontario by the late Sam Jacks. It was originally developed as a unique winter team sport for girls and women, played on ice with skates, a rubber ring, and a straight stick. The first set of official rules was developed in 1965.

Since that time, the sport has grown in leaps and bounds. Ringette Canada, ringette's national sport governing body, was formed in 1974, with the 10th member province (P.E.I.) joining in 1985, and the North West Territories in 1987. Ring- ette now boasts more than 60 000 participants and 17 000 coaches and officials. Ringette is also slowly shedding its stereotype as an all-female sport as many males have recently started to participate.

The sport has not only grown domestically, it has gained international appeal as well. In 1986, six (6) countries founded the International Ringette Federation under the direction of former Ringette Canada President Betty Shields. The first World Ringette Championships were held in Gloucester, Ontario in 1990. The event will once again return to Canada this year (1998), as Moncton, New Brunswick will play host to the world.

In 1991, the sport of ringette was officially introduced to the Canada Winter Games platform. With its continued international success, it is hoped that ringette will soon gain recognition as an Olympic sport.
