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All About Me!!!
Hi! My name is Kristy, I'm 16 years old and am in grade 11 at St. Matt's. I live in Gloucester, Ontario, Canada. I enjoy playing sports, hanging with friends, and shopping.

The sports I play are tennis, baseball, badminton, hockey and of course, RINGETTE!!!

I have been playing ringette for 11 years, including 2 years of Bunny School. This is my 12th year.


In the 97/98 season I played for the Gloucester Devils Junior AA, then went on to Edmonton as team Ontario. For those of you who may have played against me I was #26 with the Devils and #8 with Team Ontario.

April '98

1998 in Edmonton (at Nationals), my team finished the round-robin with a 7-1 record and tied for first place. Since we lost to Alberta ( the team we were tied with ) we played the semi-final against British Columbia. After a hard, exciting game, we came up on top 5-4. For the finals, we had a rematch against Alberta. After another hard fought battle, we ended up winning 8-4! I don't think I have ever been so happy in my life. I'd like to thank all the teams who went to Nationals, and congratulate them on a great tournament.

I would also like to thank my coaches and my teammates for a great and wonderful year. A special thanks to Bill Hubbs for helping us all through the tough time we had in March, and for always being there for us.

January '99

This year (1998-99) I once again played for the Gloucester Devils Junior AA team. I'm also helping coach the Gloucester Devils Tween A team. I am the Assistant Trainer. Unfortunately I'm not quite old enough to go on the bench, nor do I have the necessary levels. I was going to get my levels this year, but I wasn't notified of the first clinic after I signed up. I was told I couldn't be in it, made plans to go out, then was told I could be in it. I didn't go. I also could have gone to another one. I was signed up, and I was accepted. The next night I fractured my collarbone. I pulled out of it. There's one more clinic before Christmas, but it's when I still can't play sports because of my fractured collarbone. I guess I'll just have to wait until next year.

February '99

As I said in the above paragraph, I fractured my collar bone. I missed five (5) league games and one tournament because of it. I was out until December 23, but I'm playing again, and hope- fully nothing else will happen to me!

March '99

Provincials have finished, and I'm happy to say say that my team, the Gloucester Devils, are on thier way to Halifax in April for Nationals! We will be representing Ontario. We are the defending National Champs and I hope we can continue to hold our title. Thanx to Grey Bruce for a great Provincial Final game and goodluck to all the teams we'll meet in Halifax!! See you there!

April '99

Now Nationals are over, and so is our season. We had a great time in Halifax (thanx to the committee!) and can't wait to go back again sometime! We played hard all week, and ended up in a tie for first with B.C. But because B.C. beat us in the round-robin, we had to play the semi-final against Alberta. We got off to a bad start that game, and after the first period the score was 7-3 in favour of Alberta. In the second period we came back, but unfortunately ran out of time on the clock. We lost the game 9-8. I would like to congratulate all the teams on the great performance and B.C. who went home with the Silver, and Alberta who went home with the Gold. And Congrats to my own team....we came home with the BRONZE guys. It's nothing to be ashamed of! We are the 3rd best team in Canada!!!! And to those who didn't take home a medal...remember you are part of the best teams in Canada!

And congrats to the Gloucester Belles, who were Team Ontario at Nationals. You guys brought home the GOLD and we're all proud of you!!! And congrats to the Team Ontario Debs from Waterloo. Especially Barb, from Gloucester! GOLD medal!! And the Ontario Intermediates from Pickering - good job getting the BRONZE!!

One last thing : WHO ROCKS THE HOUSE!?!?!?!


September '99

Well, another season is coming up. I'm a first year belle for this season. I will be trying out for Belle AA, although I will probably end up playing Belle A. There are only a few positions available for the AA team, and I don't expect to be getting one of them. I don't mind playing A at all though. Should be lots of fun! I can't wait for tryouts! Goodluck to everyone at your own tryouts as well!

October '99

Tryouts are over, and the teams have been made. I cut myself from the Belle AA team. I decided I didn't want to play at that level this year. I made the Belle A team. It's a great team! There are 14 skaters and 2 goalies. We've played a couple exhibition games so far, looking pretty good! Can't wait for the season to start!

November '99

The season has started. We've played 4 games, and won 3 of them. We lost our one game to Ottawa Junior AA by 1 goal. We have also lost one player. She isn't able to continue playing because of work and some personal reasons.

November '99

Well, we've played in 2 tournaments now. St. Laurent and Nepean. And so far we are 2 for 2! Two GOLD MEDALS! That's 2 down and 3 to go! Out next tournament is Whitby, after Christmas. And then we go to Pickering. Then, instead of Gloucester tournament, the Belle division is having Provincials. Can't wait! Oh, and we've lost another player. One of our goalies. She's playing for a team of a high division now. They didn't have a goalie. Best of luck Leslie!

January '00

Whitby tournament starts tomorrow! Woohoo - I can't wait! I love tournaments. And we're on a tournament winning streak. We are now also going to be playing in the Ottawa Tournament. Against Junior AA teams. They asked us to play with them, and it'll be helpful, with Provincials coming up. I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

January '00

Whitby Tournament has come and gone. It was great fun! the rookies on our team were initiated. We had to wear our jerseys backwards, and cooperall suspenders over our jerseys during the warm-up. Then, we had to do the Funky Chicken for the fans. We had just enough veterans to start the game, while us rookies fixed our equipment. Later on that Saturday, the Rookies decided to get back at the veterans. We made a flag (saying Rookies Rule!), "borrowed" some clothes from each verteran, and hung it all from the gazebo at the hotel! The veterans were impressed. One last initian Sunday morning, was for 2 of the Rookies to skate around the ice with a "Rookies Drule" (the flag, with a "d" added on) flag. Initian ended after that. It was fun though. And, that tournament was fun, as we played the Gloucester Junior AA's in the finals. Second tournament in a row that it's happened. Second time in a row that we beat them too! We are now 3 for 3 in tournaments. And we have 3 left to go! There's the Ottawa tournament, Pickering tournament, and Provincials. Then there's also the league playoffs! GO GLOUCESTER!

February '00

Ottawa Tournament has come and gone! We were in the Junior AA division. After losing our first 2 games, we beat Ottawa 3-1. Amazingly, after the round-robin, we ended up in 2nd place with only 1 win! After playing Gloucester Junior AA's again, in the cross-oover round, and winning 5-1, we managed to earn the right to play in the finals! We played Rive-Sud Junior AA's. And we won 5-2!! It was great! Unfortunately I was only able to play in the first game of the tournament, as during the first shift of that game, I hurt my knee. I played the rest of the game, but no more. I was all set to play again in Pickering the next weekend though! That was another great time! We went undefeated during the round-robin, tying Pickering 2-2. We played Nepean in the semi-finals, winning 5-1. Then, we won 4-2 in the finals over Chatham. Had a great time!! Anyways, that's all for now! Provincials are this weekend. I'll write again afterwards! Wish me luck!!

February '00

WOW!! What a rush!! Provincials were this past weekend, here in Gloucester. They started Thursday, and ended yesterday (Sunday). We played 6 round-robin games, only losing our last game to Pickering, 3-1. That was ok, we still got the bye to th FINALS! Sunday morning I was at the rink bright and early to watch the semi-final game between Chatham and Hamilton. chatham won, so I was then preparing myself for a tough battle against them in the finals. Was I ever right! It was a tough game. We were losing for most of it, when the game wasn't tied. But, we finally went ahead, 6-5, then 7-5! With just under a minute or so to go, Chatham scored to make it 7-6. That's as close as they were gonna get!! WE WON PROVINCIALS 7-6!!!! We went crazy!! And we also got the SPORTSMANSHIP AWARD! It was a tie between us and Sault Ste. Marie, so each team gets a plaque. It was a big rush! I was smiling for the rest of the day after that and I still am! After our game came the Belle AA Provincial Finals. Gloucester against Whitby. And exciting game! And Gloucester came out on top 6-1!! GLOUCESTER SWEEPS THE BELLE PROVINCIALS WITH 2 GOLDS AND THE SPORTSMANSHIP AWARDS!! WOOHOO!!! Goodluck to the Belle AA's in BC for NATIONALS!! GO ONTARIO!!!

April '00

Well, we did it again. We won another Gold medal! This time in league playoff finals. We got the bye into the finals, and played the Gatineau team, who were originally a Belle B team. Unfortunately I was not able to play in the game, as I was working on tech stuff for my school's play performances the same day as the finals. Today is time for our year end party, to officially close out the season. I miss playing the game already! I can't wait for August, when I start again wih Shinny!! Talk to ya soon!

My Favorite Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
Canadian Ringette Web Site
Ontario Ringette Association Web Site
Gloucester Ringette Association
Dynamitemail - Free Email
Hotmail-Free Email

Email: cutie@bachelorgal.comom