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The original rules of Ringette were written in 1963 and have been revised regularly over the years. The game has defined rules which require the players to pass the ring over the blue lines. They also prohibit intentional body contact. Generally, the rules encourage fast moving team play which is safe and clean.

Each team's objective is to control the ring while moving it down the ice in order to score goals. A goal is scored when the ring passes completely over the opponent's goal line into the net.

Ringette games consist of two (2) 20 minute, stop time periods. During the play any player may be substituted for another player.

The game begins with the ring being awarded to the visiting team at centre ice for a free pass.A free pass allows a team five (5) seconds to put the ring into play (pass the ring out of the free pass circle).

A free pass occurs at the start of each period and follows most stoppages of play. The various circumstances which have created the stoppage in play decides which team receives the free pass and where it will be taken. In some circum- stances, the ring will be awarded to the goalkeepeer who has five (5) seconds to put it back into play.

The ring must be passed over each blue line, however, player are allowed to precede the ring into every zone.

The ring may not be advanced over both blue lines between teammates by means of a single pass.

Ringette Canada regulations permit a maximum of 18 players, only 6 of which are allowed on the playing surface at any given time. These six (6) players are : 1 goalkeeper, 2 defense, 2 forwards, and 1 centre.

This is how the defensive triangle should look :
