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There are special awards presented at the Canadian Ringette Championships. The following is a list of the awards and who the winners are chosen:


The Canadian Ringette Championships provide the opportunity for teams in each province to vie for national supremacy in the Junior, Belle, Deb and Intermediate divisions. A fundamental component of ringette which has also been displayed at the Canadian Championships is sportsmanship. Teams from coast-to-coast have pursued the Fair Play Award for sportsmanship which identifies them as the team in their division which has demonstrated the most sportsmanlike approach to the game, both on and off the ice. Each year, four teams will be presented with the "Fair Play" Award.

Teams are rated on a six(6) point scale by their opponents following each game. Each player and team staff member has a chance to rate their opponents in one of the defined categories. The variables they are asked to consider include:

-accpting wins and losses graciously
-accepting decisions of on-ice officials properly
-acting in a friendly and couteous manner during the game
-avoiding sneaky foul play tactics
-displaying concern in a collision or injury
-refraining from using foul language
-diplaying friendliness and camaraderie off the ice
-team excellence
-other sportsmanlike acts

A sportsmanship committee will be established to provide a third party input and to compile and verify the results.


While the main purpose if the Canadian Ringette Championships is to highlight team excellence, the games are also and ideal opportunity to identify individual excellence through the All-Star Awards. Superior skills and individual demonstrations of high performance form the basis of these awards. However, other factors must be considered including:

-general excellence
-contribution to team success
-offensive and defensive ability
-play making ability
-specialized skills
-capacity for fair play

The process for selecting the All-Star involves the identification of superior players by the Special Awards Committee. Players are nominated by position following each game. The results are tabulated and the top twelve(12) players in each division are selected as the first and second all-star lines.


These awards are presented to the top defensive player in the semi-final and final games in all four age categories.


A committee is in place each year to determine top achievers in the semi-final and final games in all four age categories. Two(2) atheletes in each game will be identified in each game to receive a momento to signify their effort and contribution to the team. Winners will be announced and awards will be presented after each game. The award will recognize excellence in skills, teamwork, contribution to the team, points, and overall effort.
